Peaches, what a wonderful name for a dog. May I?
Max indicates the dog and extends his hand indicating he would like to pet the creature.
What do I know about the breed?
And to answer your question I suppose that depends on exactly what you mean by it?
A literal answer might very well be "a boat"
Philosophically I suppose I would reply "it was the inevitable result of a collection of minute nearly random events like this, our chance meeting with you"
The question I suspect you are asking would most likely be properly answered by stating simply "Strange things are happening in Shimmerford and where strange things happen we follow"
Now that I have supplied you three answers to your question, perhaps you'll be so kind as to answer the same question asked of you: "Why have you recently arrived in Shimmerford?"
It also occurs to Max that the handling of the cultist's body (dismembering, burning, salting the earth) is both extreme and perhaps specific. Is this type of execution(murder?) a typical act for some god or goddess Max might know of?
Hmm I believe I have studied this (Religion): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18