Wizard 1
NG Medium humanoid ( )
Init +6; Senses Perc +4,
AC 15, +1 MAGE ARMOR +2 Shield
HP 16
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +6
Speed 25 ft.
Melee +4 1d4+0 Dagger
Ranged +4 1d4+0 Dagger
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks - Electric Arc - 1 or 2 targets, in 30' 1d4+4 dc17 Reflex. Ray of Frost 120'Range, +7 1d4+4.
Spell-Like Abilities Focus Spell - Force Bolt, Somatic Action 30' Range 1d4+1 force damage (no roll or save)
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10
Proficency Trained + 3, Expert +5
Feats - Incredible Init (+2 initiative included above), Canny Acumen (Fortitude Included Above), Arcana Assurance, Familiar, Reach Spell.
Languages Common, Skaldi, Draconic, Goblin, Orcish, Jotun
Skills Academia Lore +7, Acrobatics +5, Arcana +7, Architecture Lore +7, Athletics +3, Crafting +7, Occultism +7, Society +7, Stealth +5, Thievery +5.
Combat Gear - Dagger, Winning Attitude
Other Gear - Pack, basic crafters book, bedroll, compass, lantern oil(2), Rations (1week) Repair Kit, Tent(pup), Thieves Tools, Waterskin(2), Winter Clotes, Writing Set. Material Component Pouch, Sheath - Bulk 2.1 of 5
Special Abilities
Familiar - "Gloomwing the Foefinder, First of his name" Crow, Fly 25', Darkvision, Speaks Common. [My Arcane Thesis]
Drain Focus - 1/day recover a spend spell
Spells Prepared: (Spellbook Available by request)
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Light, Electric Arc, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, Shield.
1st: Magic Missile(x2), Burning Hands
About Max:
Until joining the Society, Maximilian ("Max" if you must) was an academic, perfectly happy studying magical theory and generally avoiding the real world. Then one day he realized he was tired of relying on others to bring him knowledge of far off places. Reading a book inevitably meant dealing with the author's own lens rather than experiencing it and drawing his own conclusions.
And more or less, just like that Max set off to become a Pathfinder. He approached the transition as he does most things, extensive research, creation of checklist, methodical application of mental and physical effort to remove each item on the list.
Max is most comfortable just outside of the spotlight. The person in charge has to file reports, and spend time "explaining things to people" Max would rather let someone else do that while he gets to dive deeper into the research.
My Boons:
- No Boon Slotted
-Pathfinder Training Spells(3 points)
Scroll of Mage Armor
Scroll of Burning Hands (unless we don't have a dedicated healer, then lesser healing potion
Bot Me!:
Max is cautious, curious, and helpful. Will Generally take in the environment and offer suggestions based on lore and knowledge type skills. Bookish and somewhat awkward with people. Tends to either under or overexplain. Most comfortable around others with 14+ int. In social scenes happiest if he can act as advisor to a better speaker.
When combat starts. Move or Step away (paranoid about Attacks of Opportunity), Shield Spell, Recall Lore. If no threats within reasonable range, may forgo shield+move in favor of either Electric Arc or Ray of Frost. Will still try to recall lore.
[dice=Hmm I believe I have studied this (except Religion)]1d20+8[/dice]
[dice=Hmm I believe I have studied this (Religion)]1d20+5[/dice]
Arcana - Magic and Magical Creatures like beasts and dragons.
Crafting - Constructs
Lore - related to lore type
Occult - Oozes, Aberrations and spirits
Society - Local History, Laws, Culture - Humanoid Culture (Also used for gather info due to Streetwise feat)
Religion - Undead, Fiends, Celestials
Typical Turn: 2 action Cantrip (Electric Arc if 2 targets within 30' dc17 Reflex 1d4+4 Electricity) or Ray of Frost 120' +7 1d4+4 Cold. Third Action will be Shield or Move. Tries very hard to avoid potential AoOs
If there is little to no chance enemy will get adjacent, will forgo shield/move in favor of 1 of the following: A) Casting Force Bolt in addition to Attack Cantrip. C) Reach Spell Metamagic on Attack Cantrip
First Level Spells are generally reserved for "big bads" or "serious danger moments" Magic Missile only cast if all three actions can be devoted to it and Max isn't adjacent to enemy. Burning Hands reserved for when can hit 3+ targets (Electric Arc does comparable average damage for 2 targets, never Burning Hands when arc will do)