Durkon Thundershield

Mitchbones's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Hello! I am a new-ish DM and running the Kingmaker Adventure Path. I have 4 players currently with a 25 point buy for ability scores(Monk, Ranger, Sorcerer, Druid). We were going to have a cleric player but he dropped out.

What I am asking, as the DM, what changes should I make to make the Druid who is currently the main healer good enough for the road ahead of them? I don't really want to make a DMPC to be in their group following them around but I could. Do you guys have any recommendations?

I will start running this AP again Monday (I ran earllier in the year, but it fell apart due to half the players doing drugs).

I was wondering if you guys had any advice for me or for my players.

Also, what houserules do you use for your game?

P.S. Props to the paizo crew, from the issues I've looked through it looks amazing!