Hi, I come here asking for help, my dear character is in trouble xD
I drew the FOOL card from the Deck of Many things and the XP loss would make me drop one character level (we still play with Pathfinder 1st edition rules, so the XPs loss is 10,000 points). I am looking for a rule handling the XPs loss of the Fool card for Pathfinder 1st or 2nd edition.
My guess is that nowadays you don´t drop your level, because handling the Hit points loss (would have to roll how many hit points you loss, and then roll again when you regain your level in the future?) or erasing the wrong skill points is a mess.
My gamemaster plays strictly by the book, so if I can´t find a rule or some official-looking answer I guess I will lose my level.
I did some research and the text of this card has been the same over the years except in 2014 and 2020.
At the beginning the Fool card stated: Lose 10,000 XP and draw again. They payment and draw are mandatory.
That was so in its first appearance in Dragon#77 (1983), then Dungeon Master´s Guide 2nd edition (1989), Dungeon Master´s Guide 3rd edition (2003), and Pathfinder 1st edition (2013).
There was no clue how to handle the XPs loss if it was sufficient enough to make the character drop one or more levels or what happens if this card is draw by a 1st level character (one of my fellow comrades asked if that makes you die haha).
This question was asked in 2013 in paizo forum by a player called nedpatrick (is the only query I could found in paizo forums), but there was no official answer to cover that rules gap.
Then it becomes more interesting. In 2014 the Dungeon Master´s Guide 5th edition modifies the text of the Fool card to add: "If losing that much XP would cause you to lose a level, you instead lose an amount that leaves you with just enough XP to keep your level."
That sounds fantastic! A rule at last that solves the matter. But My Gamemaster HATES the 5th edition so I have to find something similar for Pathfinder.
The Deck of Many Things was not included in Pathfinder 2nd edition Corebook (year 2019) but it appreared in the Game Mastery Guide for Pathfinder 2nd edition (year 2020) and the text of the FOOL card was slightly different: "You lose 1d10x100 XP unless you choose to draw two more cards".
So the rule´s gap for Pathfinder 2nd edition still persist, even if the XP loss is lesser than before (from 10,000 changed to 1d10x100). What happens in Pathfinder when the XP loss makes you lose a character level?
I am surprised that Pathfinder´s designers rewrote that card for Pathfinder 2nd edition rule system in 2020 but didn´t include the XP loss clarification that was published 6 years before in the 5th edition Dungeon Master´s Guide.
So, 11 years after nedpatrick´s enquiry is time to fill that gap.
Thanks in advance for your time.
P.S: This is my first post, I don´t know if I incurred in some type of heresy naming the D&D books, but in this case I think is necessary to explain the development over the years of this magical item. I apologize for that.
Also, the fourth edition D&D doesn´t exist for my gaming group.