Misteradd's page

Goblin Squad Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


So, the link of Purple duck Games is down. Do someone know how to access to it ? A link ?

Goblin Squad Member

Thank you for the answers !

I'm too shy to ask random people for stuff (and I've seen soooo many random people asking averyone for 1 PO in other games :) ).
By the way, I want to see how you can survive and grow up on your omn. Towers and escalation, I can imagine what it looks like, but first, I have a very few game time, and second, even if I can manage two kobolds, I dont't think I would be vey useful to a group.

I'll try to move to another place. Any place of choice for a Sarenrae follower wanna-be ?

Goblin Squad Member

Hi all,

I'm a P'n'p and video gamer, but I'm a bit lost in PFO. I played a few sessions and there are main points I would discuss :
- where to go ? At first you have the tutorial, but just the "kill a few kobolds", you seem to e left on your own, with a club and a tee-shirt. So now, I'm just roaming aound the training area. I found nodes, harvested them, but what for ? Should I move ? but where to ? I mean, I'm not asking for quest givers all the road long, but maybe trainers should send you to another trainer, or jus say "hey, you have the basics, now go find people who can learn you new tricks !"
- I"m pretty surprised there no vendors. Ok, it's player driven, but low qualiy vendors could be present in training area. I earned a few coppers with my blood, I would like to spend then in beer (I'm a dwarf !) or maybe buy boots, or trousers. With my wood club and and my shirt, I still avoid groups of more than 2 kobolds (and I'm afraid to die, what if my clue broke ?)
- Crafing and auction UI : it's an alpha, it will be revamped. i didn't understood how AH works, o eveything is too expensive or me.
- there is a second shortcuts bar above the 1,2,3... but i can't fill it ith anything.... what is it for ?

Anyway, I will carry on. No one became a hero in one day. If anyone has a few answers to my questions, thank you very much !


Goblin Squad Member

so, if your weapon/armor is broken, you can just throw it away?

Goblin Squad Member

Thank you for all that help.
I have just one simgle question about something I couldn't figure how yesterday : How do you mend your stuff ? Mine seems damaged (the first kobold warriors hit hard) and i can't find how to repair it....