Update: Working on the database code to allow you to enter your own items and have them part of the random generation. In doing this, I have started a back-end library which will allow me to make a full d20-compatible GM's assistant that allows GMs to edit the database and add anything they want (races, classes, items, spells, etc).
Update, As I have been reviewing the Compatibility License, it looks like I can go forward. I will use the name of the company I am making, thusly this will be the Unitary GM's Assistant, or simply the GM's Assistant. It will simply state it is "compatible with all d20 systems". If anyone is interested, I can make the treasure generator available now that only does coins or coins and gems, just to get a feel for it. I am in the process of domain and website development for a basic site, and will link from there when I cam ready. Cheers! -Mark
Well crap. I'll have to rethink the design, as I am not an "established software publishers with excellent reputations" yet. Vic, will I still be able to make a pretty canon "Pathfinder" treasure generator and not get in trouble? I intended on making it stick pretty close to the tables in the UE guide. I will keep all copyrighted references out of the app. Thanks for the link. I will rename it to the d20 Treasure Generator, etc. Just curious though, why are apps the only exception to the inclusiveness of the Pathfinder license?
Putting together a website and business soon. Going to hit Kickstarter when I get further on, have significant interest and ready. All the core modules will be free (Treasure Generator, Encounter Generator, etc) and the suite will cost money and connect to a server. I'm really excited about this. I may be able to quit my job at the pizzeria someday soon.
Its written in Java, and so far runs on PC, Mac and Linux. I will be able to take the core code and port it to Android when finished pretty easily. Update: Coins and Gems are working along with budget total for the treasure.
My wife is helping with adding to the database, it will be an easily editable tab-delimited file a GM can edit if they wish (as a text file, or in Excel or Open Office) to tailor their own campaigns as well as add their own items, spells, etc. Only certain items will be hard coded in, such as coins, gems, art and mundane items. -Mark (I'm going to need a website soon...)
Greetings, I am currently working on a program that will randomize the treasure generation for Pathfinder using the Ultimate Equipment guide with the standard way Pathfinder generates treasure. Right now, the initial coding is busy at work,putting in all the core charts and rolls. In the end, it should conform pretty well to the conventions in the books, encompassing all the items included on the tables in the back of the UE tome. Screenshot as of right now:
My goal is to later make more Pathfinder apps, all written in Java to be used on any platform. Once all done, I will see about publishing them all together in a GM's Assistant app that I will charge for, which will include database support for custom items, races, campaigns, etc. -Mark |