Vhalhisstre Vexidyre

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Goblin Squad Member. 120 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Goblin Squad Member

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Pineville, Louisiana

Goblin Squad Member

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Valandur wrote:
Well Thar, look on the bright side. I'm sure there are sets of gear you can go raid for in Wow. And if you've got them all don't worry, they will make more new ones soon! ;)

I really dislike this kind of response. It offers no constructive anything and is just offensive.

Goblin Squad Member

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It didn't feel like boredom tho. During those times people socialized, and the difficulty made it necessary to depend on other people. Having to wait made things more sweet when you actually accomplished something, unlike the instant gratification of more recent games. When you take all of that time, and the interdependence between the players away you take one step down the path that leads to what we have now in games like gw2.

Goblin Squad Member

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I like the idea of needing food/drink to prevent weakness or to provide slight buffs or effects, but not to have them decay over time in your inventory. How would you be able to market food that starts to decay as soon as you make it?

Goblin Squad Member

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You could also lose those people that don't want random pvp so much, I think, if you lean too far toward the more pvp oriented set. So you lose some no matter which way you go. But you gain others. =)

Goblin Squad Member

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Give me a sandbox with alot things to do at any time <2am-5am>. If I can tweek my house or shop, craft, find a group to adventure, explore on my own, or engage in some PvP at odd hours, I wouldn't get bored. If I log out because I was bored, theres a problem.

This!! And chat! Lots and lots of friendly chat.

1. At least 5 years, probably more like 10+, for whatever amounts to "high end" content. I want to be able to survive with effort as soon as I have my first character created, but I want it to be a struggle. I just want it to go on and on getting better and better.

2. 8 years with minimal lapses.

3. The game changed to easy mode and my rping friends left/moved to another game.

4. I honestly have no idea. I watched my son play WoW and never had any desire to play it. The community just plain sucked.
I barely got past the tutorial in Eve. The community was friendly but it didn't feel like I was a person but a ship. I want hands on stuff. Loved SWG pre change. The harvesting was a lot of fun and I spent hours doing that.
I don't even know what Shadowbane is but I am going to look it up. =)

Goblin Squad Member

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My own opinion is that there should be a wide variety of encounters and few of them locked or instanced. Some should be so insanely hard the entire populace isn't able to conquer it for years. I also think the loot should be a random item drop scaled on the difficulty of the mob, with unlikely but possible chance of getting something really good, and not dozens of things or something for each person in the raid. There should be rare things and truly "uber" items along with the just difficult and the easy to obtain. Good mobs should be contested mobs and not instanced so each party has its own. A dynamic world has struggle and competition in it. Struggling to beat the other settlement to the good stuff or learning to negotiate and take turns would be choices the people of this world would have to make to survive.

Goblin Squad Member

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Thank you, Nihimon. I sincerely hope you are right. =)

Goblin Squad Member

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In a favorite game long ago before there were ingame maps players actually made their own as they explored the lands. It was great!

Edit: Meaning they actually opened a notepad on screen and drew it.