
Mirror Universe Spock's page

6 posts. Alias of Terquem.


If you go to DeviantArt there was a great April Fools article on the acquisition of the Star Trek franchise by Disney, a funny interview with an "insider" and some things on the horizon that cracked me up, well didn't really crack me up, because that would be illogical,

Okay, so, since the consensus seems to be that I was okay to begin with I changed it back, but if Disney sues me ('cause on April first they bought Star Trek from Paramount) I'll be very sad, well, not really sad as that would be illogical.

The original name of this Alias was Mirror Universe Spock, which I am pretty sure is a copyrighted character, so to be safe I changed it, whereas Evil Sheldon could be any body named Sheldon, and not Sheldon Cooper, which even then is ambiguous as there are many Sheldon Coopers I'm sure, but Spock is pretty specific.

I created this Avatar to try and make a funny post in a Mythic Evil Lincoln thread, and now it occurs to me that I probably should not have. Being that it is probably a copyright infringement of one kind or another. Is it possible to delete this Avatar?

That would be only logical, however the system for establishing just this sort of thing, is not available at this time.

As to the topic. I find you assumption that there is a topic to be founded upon incorrect information.

I find the presence of such opposite aligned heads of state in this universe most intriguing.