Mirgwael's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


For the cleric it s because it don't fit with the campaign and i am tired to play cleric (or life oracle) for the last campaigns with other groups.

I like to be able to change my tactics when i need it.
I can rely only on spells.
I like to have some skills, mostly because i think you have to define your character by his skills, and you can t roleplay a high diplomacy if you don t have any ranks in it.

You make me thinking that maybe the best choice will be the druid.


I am going to play a campaign from lvl 1 to lvl 16 i think.

The party is going to be a swashbuckler, a hunter and a psychic.

For the moment my choices are quite open :
- Gnome Oracle Heavens msytery (maybe with spirit guide archetype)
- Druid (not sure what build, maybe a versatility build)
- Shaman (idem not sure of the build)

But i am aopen for other concept/build (i would really like to do a alternate channel cleric but i don t think it's doable in that campaign).

Thanks in advance for your advices.


I am going to play the campaign, i am not sure what to play.

I want a full divine caster with some skills.

The 2 i am looking into at the moment :
- Oracle (not life)
- Shaman

Thanks in advance for your advice.


To give more background to my Player's Characters i want to have them to know one thing about each of the others PC family and friends.
And everyone will know the answer each other choose.

I want to have 6 question and each answer to one question for each of the other PC.

Here is the few question i have already written up (each time i say someone it mean a friend, a family friend or a family member :

- You know someone is really a believer in another god than the one he officially follow (like believing in Desna when everyone thing you are from Iomedae).
- You know that someone that the PC was told is dead, in fact is a traitor and a memeber of the abyssal army.
- Someone is profiting from the war effort, and just making money on the the crusade
- Someone is dead when the PC think he is in a journey somewhere else
- Someone is not a blood family member but an adopted child
- Someone the PC know as a traitor is in fact an infiltrator in the abyssal army

Do you have any suggestion ?

Thanks in advance.

Well i don t know the exact builds, and will not be able to know them before the game.
I assume mostly melee characters beside the skald maybe.

It s rolled atrribute so i got 17 16 16 13 13 7.

I have 3 characters i think of :
- caster druid
- reincarnate druid
- shaman

And as a joker, if the gm allow the cheesy spellslinger/witch combo.

And thanks for your answers already.


I want to know which character will be the best with that group, and we are starting at lvl 12.

I am thinking going for a caster druid but i wanted to know what the collective mind will think.

Thanks in advance.


I am wondering of taking Mythic spells for my lvl 13 Oracle of life, hierophant tier 4.
In that which are the best divine spells to get in mythic ?

Thanks in advance,

Hi everyone,

I am not used to play an arcane caster, i usually play cleric or oracle.

But i am going to play an arcane caster for Carrion Crown.

Our group is Cleric of Thorag, Rogue, Paladin (Divine Defender) and Monk (Master of Many styles).

I would like to know (without spoils) which arcane caster (and which archetype), would be best suited as a 5th member of the team.

Thanks in advance,

I have already a world in which i will play, Williamoak, yours would have made it beside the absence of gods.

In fact the basis of my campaign ready and Way of the Wicked will not work with my players.

I am really looking for Pathfinder module so i don t have to make everything in the campaign.

But really thanks all for your advices.


I am going to make a Mythic Evil campaign, starting at lvl 3 and going to lvl 20 M 10.

Which pathfinder modules do you suggest to be played in the campaign (so i will not have to design the whole campaign)?

Thanks in advance,


I am making an lvl 4 oracle of life for Second Darkness. The others player have a cavalier, an urban ranger, a fighter and an alchimist bomber.

I want to play a life oracle but i am not sure which way i want to go:
- Elf life oracle Archer
- Ifrit life oracle Reach melee
- Ifrit life oracle support/control

And also how to spend my 6k gp for stuff, i was going for a magical armor, a magical weapon, a wand of clw.

Thanks in advance,

And no spoiler please.

Hi everyone,

I am making a new bard for a campaign that is mostly court and politics.
So i am wondering what are the best spells to get for court at each levels, and at each level what spell is a must have in a combat situation (i don t think i will take more than 1 combat oriented spell per level).

And if you can suggest up to 5th level spells it will be great.

Thanks in advance,

Hi everyone,

Our GM have gave us the choice to get 1 visble and permanent (no manual or wand) item with a value egual or less than 82,000 gp, so i want to know if someone have a great idea.

Acyually i am trying to see what i can do with a +9 armor.

Thanks in advance.

We are going to do the ruby phoenix tournament and i need to make my lvl 11 character.

Actually the team is :
- wizard 11
- rogue 1 monk 10
- Inquisitor 11
- druid 8 alchimist 3
- summoner 11

I am wondering to make a Divine Hunter Paladin but if you have a better suggestion i will be happy to read them.

Thanks in advance.

All pathfinder books are allowed. and all races from Advanced Race Guide.

We are going to play Curse of the Crimson and i will make the melee character.
Actually in the party we have :
- 1 Gunslinger
- 1 Druid
- 1 Sorcerer

So i want to make a character that can be solo in melee, maybe with some self-heal.

Actually i am mainly on the Inquisitor but i can change if needed.

Edit : we can use all pathfinder books from Paizo and all races from advanced race guide.

Thanks for your advice,