Haley Starshine

Minerva's page

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All of my PC's took a 'special effect' since they were all told, by me, that htey had to be from the city. I wanted them to have a reason to care about what happens in and around Cauldron. Ia m also thinking about one of them befriending Terrem so that when he disappears again my PC will be angry.

On a side note, I have a rogue who is a scarred soul paranoid rogue and a bard who is touched in the head. Shall make for interesting role play when the bard says that he has seen someone following them, even if no one is, and then the rogue feels his paranoid suspicions are confrimed. hehehe

a.k.a. Minerva

We are about to begin, this weekend in fact. Party seems to pretty much be set. I made them pick classes and races from the PHB only. They are:

Elf Ranger
Elf Fighter
Human Wizard (may change race)
Human Fighter-Archer (may change race)
Rogue (Still deciding race)
Bard or Cleric (Still deciding race)
