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![]() I don't have an e-reader or a laptop and don't have any plans to buy one, so I don't want to see any more books added to the core assumption because I don't want to have to carry any more books with me. I wouldn't mind at all though if some scenarios were released that required a GM to have the APG or other books that aren't in the core assumption, so long as the scenario description mentioned which books are required. That way scenarios could include material from the APG and other books, but GMs wouldn't be required to always lug around another heavy book, or have access to an e-reader. A GM could be like the players, and opt to only print the pages they actually need from their purchased PDF. ![]()
![]() Sub-Creator wrote: I guess my mentality on this falls in line with "What's so boring about Golarion that people already want to get off from it?" It's not that I find Golarion boring at all. I love it. There's all sorts of areas of Golarion I want to see more about. Vudra (despite my slight dislike of psionics) and anything related to the Ulfen peoples and the places they live are at the top of the list. For me though, I love planets. Real world and in fiction. This dates back to at least second grade when we did a study of the solar system. Maybe before. In Star Wars, my single favorite book ever published is The Essential Atlas, which is a big book of planets. Every time there's a big news release about a new real world planet that's been discovered, I'm excited. Until I realize that no human being will ever visit any of these places within my lifetime. So that's part of why I want a planets AP. It's wish fulfillment for something I'd love to be able to do in real life but never ever will. There's also the issue of getting players. I used to play Star Wars Saga Edition. It wasn't easy to find players. With Pathfinder, there are at least 20 people locally who play PFS who I could potentially recruit as players. It will be a whole lot easier to recruit those players into a planetary campaign if I've got a Paizo AP to work from. I could homebrew something. I've been working on ideas for an interplanetary campaign since I first came across info about Castrovel. However, Paizo's adventure-crafting skills are known and respected, especially among PFS players. That makes it easier to convince players to try a campaign idea that is not a typical Pathfinder campaign. To top it off, the planets in the Golarion system are just freakin' cool. They fire my imagination, like Jamelray and Vudra do. Like the Land of the Linnorm Kings, Irrisen, and the Land of the Mammoth Lords do. Like the Eye of Abendego does. Like the Worldwound does. Like tales of lost Azlant do. So it's not that I find Golarion boring and want to leave it behind permanently. I just want to expand my options a bit. ![]()
![]() Besides what Dragnmoon posted, there is an additional piece of text that I think contributes to the Prestige Point confusion for non-Season 3 scenarios. PFS Guide page 18 wrote: In each scenario, you have the opportunity to earn up to 2 Prestige Points, 1 for achieving the overall scenario mission and 1 for achieving your faction mission. That's in the Player's part of the Guide, and reads in a rather absolute way. For some players, it seems to set up the expectation that all scenarios work the way Season 3 scenarios work. Suggested rewording: Quote: In each scenario, you have the opportunity to earn up to 2 Prestige Points. For scenarios with two faction missions per faction, you earn 1 Prestige Point for each faction mission completed. For scenarios with only one faction mission per faction, you earn 1 Prestige Point for completing your faction mission and 1 Prestige Point for completing the overall scenario mission.
![]() I've been running the numbers on this using Pathfinder's Wealth By Level Chart and the accompanying text which suggests the value of a PC's gear should be about 25% in weapons, 25% in armor, 25% in miscellaneous magic, 15% in consumable magic, and 10% in mundane gear and coins. Based on that distribution, a PC could have: masterwork weapon: 3rd level
I've also run the numbers for armor, and cleric, druid, or wizard created potions, scrolls, and wands. armor:
At low levels, it varies by armor type.
masterwork armor: 2nd level (chain shirt or less) to 5th level (full plate)
potions (cleric, druid, or wizard):
0-level spell: 2nd level
1st level spell: 2nd level 2nd level spell: 3rd level 3rd level spell: 4th level scrolls (cleric, druid, or wizard):
Scrolls are weird in that a PC can afford high level scrolls long before they can effectively use them.
0-level spell: 2nd level
wands (cleric, druid, or wizard): 0-level spell: 3rd level
1st level spell: 4th level 2nd level spell: 8th level 3rd level spell: 11th level 4th level spells: 13th level ![]()
![]() It's no accident that the words "ulfen" and "elven" sound so similar. The elves have been bound in magical servitude to the ulfen kings for thousands of years. The elves disappearance from Golarion was at the behest of their ulfen masters. The elves were sent away on a mission to find something, or eliminate a dangerous enemy, or perform magical rites impossible to perform upon Golarion. Some people think the ulfen's decreased raiding is a sign that the sinister plans of the elves and their ulfen masters are nearing completion, and someday soon all of Golarion will awaken to find themselves serving tall, blond overlords. Of course the elves and the ulfen vehemently deny there is any connection between them, which just proves it's all true! ![]()
![]() Here's one I've considered using as truth in any Golarion games I run. The Test of the Starstone isn't a method to achieve godhood, but rather a trap set by the gods to eliminate potential rivals. All of the gods, even the "good" ones are in on this. The stories about Norgorber, Cayden, and Iomedae ascending to godhood by passing the Test are completely false, and those gods aren't at all who their worshippers believe them to be. Some people say there is a way for a mortal to achieve apotheosis, but the pool of godly power is limited, and every new deity weakens the existing deities. So the gods created the Test of the Starstone to root out any mortals with such ambitions, and destroy them before they can discover the true path to divinity. Others speak of a secret ancient prophecy which warns of a horrid doom to befall mortal and deity alike, to be brought about by a mortal become god. |