About Milica AgolliStatistics:
Female Half-Elven Cleric (Ecclesitheurge / Varisian Pilgrim) 1
CG Medium Humanoid Init +4; Senses Perception +4
Melee +2 Starknife Ranged +2 Starknife
Resilient (Combat):
Elven Reflexes (Race):
Friend in Every Town (Social):
True Devotion (Campaign):
Naive (Drawback):
FEATS Cunning:
Psychic Sensitivity:
Spell Focus Conjuration:
Skills (6 points; 2 class, 1 INT, 1 Cunning, 2 Background)
Languages Taldane, Varisian, Elven Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ HALF-ELF Low-Light Vision:
Illustrious Urbanite:
--------------------------------------- CLERIC (Varisian Pilgrim): Fortunate Road:
Caravan Bond (Su):
Domain (Travel): Granted Powers:
Desna's Shooting Star (Replaces Agile Feet):
Domain Spells: 1st—Longstrider, 2nd—Locate Object, 3rd—Fly, 4th—Dimension Door, 5th—Teleport, 6th—Find the Path, 7th—Greater Teleport, 8th—Phase Door, 9th—Astral Projection. Domain (Luck): Bit of Luck (Sp):
Domain Spells: 1st—True Strike, 2nd—Aid, 3rd—Protection from Energy, 4th—Freedom of Movement, 5th—Break Enchantment, 6th—Mislead, 7th—Spell Turning, 8th—Moment of Prescience, 9th—Miracle. Spells:
------------------------------ Spells ------------------------------ 0th (3 at will) 1st (2/day) Gear/Possessions:
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS Light Crossbow
Money 33 GP 2 SP 1 CP
Appearance and Personality:
Height: 5'6" | Weight: 125 | Hair: Black | Eyes: Green Appearance Milica is a little taller than average and quite skinny. In fact she looks a bit frail or sickly. Her skin tone is pale, which is emphasized by her black hair and bright green eyes. The thinness of her face tends to make her eyes look large and prominent. Milica's hair is wavy to curly and long enough to fall about halfway down her back. Milica favors dresses for daily wear. These are mostly simply constructed "peasant" dresses that allow for easy movement and are suitable for a variety of activities. She will switch to trousers or perhaps a loose dress over leggings if it's more practical, for example when traveling. Milica buys good quality clothing, and retains the Varisian taste for color. But Ustalav isn't Varisia, so the colors she chooses tend to be accent pieces and more muted. For example, a scarf of burgundy red rather than a patterned bright red one. Regardless of what she may be wearing on a given day, Milica always has a sleeveless blue robe with white trim, similar to a long jacket, with her. She dons it when she needs to conduct any business as a formal or official representative of Desna. She also carries several holy symbols for Desna, and at least one is always prominently displayed. Personality Milica may not presently remember anything about herself, but her past is still present in that certain habits and patterns of thought and action persist for her. 1. Milica seems to be a calm and level-headed person. That may not always be true of what she is feeling inside, but to those around her she remains positive and focused on how to make the best of things even in bad situations. 2. She presents as a warm and friendly personality who is easy to talk to and be around. She tends to ask others about themselves rather than talking about herself. She is not judgmental, and does not press her religion or beliefs on others. Milica isn't exactly pantheistic, but she does respect the fact that other deities fill other roles, and meet other needs. 3. While Milica will not shy away from unavoidable conflict, she prefers negotiation and win-win outcomes whenever possible. She is a good mediator. 4. There is an often an air of dreaminess or maybe fogginess about Milica. She can seem to lose track of things, or trains of thought sometimes. Sometimes she says things that don't track with the current conversation or situation. This can make her seem a bit loopy to some others. It could also be perceived by others as a sign of second-sight or a sensitivity to the unseen world. 5. While Milica is generally pleasant and mild, not exactly a dynamic and scintillating presence, people tend to be drawn to her. She is not the enemy of fun, and likes to have a good time as much as anyone. She does however, have a sense of the need to retain dignity so that she is an example to others. |