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Hi, I love this program. It has been quite awesome. I was wondering if there was a way to add my own templates in somewhere, and quickly apply it to monsters, much like the simple templates are now in the program.

Am I just not looking hard enough?


Lord Worcestershire of Perrins wrote:

I've also been kicking around the idea of making one of the boys in the barn an alchemist throwing "white lightning" bombs from the moonshine still but then that also could be messy when all the webs catch fire...

Actually, I had a similar idea that I used in my campaign. Basically, in the middle of the barn I had the moon shine still in a 10x10 square where the boys were drinking and then later fought around.

Just in case the PCs didn't use fire, I had one of the Ogrekin's in the barn become a bloodrager with Infernal bloodline, and if he missed with one of his attacks with hellfire strike near the still, it would knock the still down and set the moonshine on fire.

Given that the interior of the barn is dry and I suppose as terribly made as their house, everything would catch on fire. At this point, they'd be racing against the flames and split between saving the prisoners, fighting the Ogrespider in a burning barn and creating/finding an exit out of the barn.

I also threw in (I think it was Hucker?) as another encounter on the back side of the barn when half of the party was outside, just to keep them on their toes.

Also, I used the Mammy Graul raising dead idea, and had her raise her 3 boys that died in the burning barn as flaming skeletons, in addition to the other regular graul zombies.

I want to thank everyone for participating and giving an interesting discussion on how to handle situations regarding sex, paladins and what to do as a DM and player. It has given me a lot to think about.

Frankly, I do not feel that my group has role-played or explored deep enough into this situation to fully understand the Paladin player's own motives.

So, I'm running a Rise of the Runelord AP, and I am being thrown a curve ball with one of my player's who is playing a Scoundrel-ish Paladin of Iomedae.

So, the deeds he has done so far is banging Shayliss Vender, and now he is aiming for other female NPCs in town such as Ameiko, Savah, and Rynshynn.

I have already revoked his powers once for killing a room full of Goblin babies, and am unsure if I should revoke his powers again as this is going against a conservative expectation of Paladins. I think I wouldn't be so against this if he went to the Pixie's Kittens and actually paid for the services there.

On the other hand, this does provide some comic relief for the group.

Any suggestions as to how to handle this? I feel like I'm running a table top dating simulator every time we go back to Sandpoint.

Mark_Twain007 wrote:

Ninja: Does your ninja know that Jubrayl can hear through the collar?

If he does know, you could make his goal to dig up up dirt on each PC, giving Jubrayl leverage for later, in exchange he gets to live. Jubrayl could use this info in book 2 or even later in book 4.

If he doesn't know, make it so the collar actually doesn't, and have him plant evidence in Scarnetti manor, and kill a minor Scarnetti. The scarnetti would already be dead however, probably from natural causes. Then if you want to extend this story, have Jubrayl keep giving him names of people that will be harder and harder to kill, but they are the people who die in the story anyway (the guy in the mill, the farmers, lead it up to justice Ironbriar if you want.) I had started something similar with one of my PC's but he died in Thisletop.

Jubrayl can hear through the collar. Currently, I have Jubrayl using the PC to sleuth about finding out about Titus Scarnetti wanting to take over Ameiko's glassworks (which she has resolved to run or at least higher her own people to run). So, next I sent the ninja to investigate the burning mills in the region via Hemlock. I like your idea about having the mission sent by Jubrayl escalated to murder though.

Mark_Twain007 wrote:

Barbarian: If he prefers roll playing to role playing the non lethal tournament is a good call, he can have a bit of banter with each fighter before hand. You could even have Sabyl from the House of Blue Stones be one of his opponents. You could have her tell him to meet her there later, and if he won give him a bonus on the diplomacy check and/or let him use intimidate to get access to the library. I think it would be funny to have the barbarian unlock the knowledge bonus.

That's a pretty good idea too. I was thinking of having the tournament held in Maginamar actually, with some martially inclined characters from Sandpoint going to test themselves. The Barbarian's iniative to go to Maginamar initially would be to escort Tsuto and Ameiko (Tsuto to court, Ameiko for Glassware), but then be enticed to join the tournament. That way, I could have a bit more variety, even introduce some factions like the Hell Knights of Maginamar, and have a bit more of a continuation of Ameiko's development.

Mark_Twain007 wrote:

Paladin: Pixie's Kitten is a good place to test his faith which is a good option. You could also have him witness some crime somewhere like the White Deer. He could fight to apprehend them and take them to jail. He could in the process learn about the relationship between the Sheriff and his brother, and the jailer raising money to save his kids. If he then still had what got stolen from the white deer, he would then have a choice as a former thief, keep it, turn it in, or give it to this guy who needs it.

Those are good ideas too. I was also thinking of having the Paladin breaking up some bar fights (Fatman's Feedbag) and bringing them to jail, or talking to the lumber mill employees (Maybe catching Banny Harker and Katrine Vinder having fun there at night). He could also go with the Barbarian to try out in the tournament as well, while also escorting both Tsuto and Ameiko as well. Could also have him hover around the Cathedral one day and be talking to Father Zantus... have him atone for some past sins I suppose.

Mark_Twain007 wrote:

Wizard: I actually don't have any good ideas, other then it might be a good time to introduce some of the people the party might not meet otherwise. Ilsoari the school teacher, Nisk and...

Yes, I guess the Wizard could be the catch all. Since he's retraining two feats to crafting, and will be busy making magic items (Like... 8 hours retraining, and then another 4 hours making magic items (as if while adventuring so 2 hours progress), he'd be in pretty close proximity to some magically inclined citizens like Turandok, Quink, or Mvashti. After the training, he could also research and discuss about Thassilonian lore with some individuals like the owner of the Curious Goblin, Quink, and whoever else.

Hello all,

(If you are Kevin, William, Duy or Junghoo, please do not read further below)

Quite new to the forums, so I'll introduce myself as an inexperienced GM playing Pathfinder for the first time. Previous experience was D&D 3.5 about 10 years ago I believe, so the rules are fuzzy and it is basically a new game.

Anyways, we are doing some downtime (for approximately 2 weeks in game time) at the start of book 2's Skinsaw Murderers, and I'm planning on giving my PCs some individual adventures within Sandpoint to introduce them to it better than I did in the first book (Read: None).

The PCs are as follows:
Barbarian Lvl 5 (Not very role-play orientated)
Paladin Lvl 5 (Slightly more role-play orientated)
Ninja Lvl 5 (Can be role play orientated)
Wizard Lvl 5 (Likes role playing)

At the moment, for the Ninja (Zabuza), he was taken aside by Sheriff Hemlock to get some info on Jubrayl to hopefully send him into jail for good. What follows is the Ninja failing a disguise check (Walking in the streets, and Shayliss recognizes him and draws a crowd as a hero of Sandpoint), and later retreats to going up the front door and ordering an ale at his own table in the Fatman's Feedbag. Two scarnetti thugs walk up to him, and what ensues is a 6v1 brawl (5 thugs using the Sandpoint warrior stats and Jubrayl), ending in the capture of the Ninja. He wakes up, has a modified Explosive rune planted on a collar around his neck, and is being used as a tool to gain information on the noble families, Hemlock and his own party. Jubrayl can also hear from the collar and can explode it remotely from wherever he wants (barring being sent to another plane). Jubrayl has told the ninja to also redirect suspicion away from him towards Titus Scarnetti (who probably hired the Sczarni to burn down the mills).

I was hoping for some help to expand on this!

As for the other characters, the Barbarian player is not very role-play orientated. So I was thinking of him being brought in by Hemlock to train and show off to the militia, and even enter a local martial tournament so he can keep the action orientated. This could allow him to meet some combatitive NPCs like Gaven, Daviren, and Sabyl or even some unlikely NPCs like Larz or Gorvi. They of course could be statted up or down, and can give the PCs a feel for how strong they are for the upcoming Giant Raid (which will probably be months down the line).

The Wizard player is probably the most enthusiastic for role play. He plans on switching his familiar for a bonded item, scribing scrolls and possibly crafting magic items, so he could probably get around to introducing himself to some PCs as he shops for materials. I'm just wondering how I might be able to go further to develop some sort of memorable relationships with those characters like Brodert, Savah, and etc. Oh, and probably getting Shalelu and him together, since he was the only one who kept complimenting her for saving the party's ass in Thistletop.

Finally, the Paladin player is a bit odd. He acts according to the Paladin law, but role plays some inappropriate stuff which we have deemed as his "rogue-ish childhood" jumping out at times. Perhaps some fun morale dilemma with The Pixie's Kittens? He could maybe get in good with some of the previous Paladins as well.

Do you all have some ideas? MAybe someways to work it in later in the story. It would probably make it great when the murders start hitting the town... (MUA HAHAHAHAHA).