Lantern Bearer

MikeruSama's page

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Name: Hatori Hanzo
Race: Maormer (Dunmer if I can't)
Sex: Male
Birth-sign: The Thief
Adept Skills: Sneak, Illusion
Apprentice Skills: Light Armour, Light Weapons, Archery
Novice Skills: Alteration, Poison, Enchanting, Conjuration
Physical Description: Tall, wispy in appearance. Stout and strong in presentation, Dark skinned and dour demeanor. Prominent pointy ears and dagger like chin. Long Dark hair with a blue tint like the foam of the sea.
Personality: Worships many Deadric gods most especially Nocturna. Dour Demeanor and Dark notions. Killing people is much easier than asking permission. Death is a part of life, why not joke about least a little. Why is everyone at the Dark Brotherhood so...down...killing is fun. Pensive and reclusive.
Back-story: Born out of wedlock to unknown parents who died in bringing him closer to the capitol of Skyrim, Winterhold (During the reign of the Snow Elves it was the capitol so that is all the Sea Elves would know). There he was taken in by the bar keep of The Frozen Hearth, Eirid, and attended the College of Winterhold. Favoring Illusion magic, and sneaking away from his other duties, he found a deep friendship with a Mage studying Necromancy in private. He was asked by his new friend to help him with his studies (never becoming very in to the art himself). It started with filling crystals with the souls of animals. Than he was asked to get more power for his Dunmer friend. He was asked to fill a black soul Gem. Knowing what this meant he darkened in his joviality setting into task his new duty, revitalize the ancient art that was foolishly shunned by the college. The man he had his sight set on was a traveler that was getting drunk at his old home, the tavern, again. With a dagger enchanted with Soul Trap, he came up to his helpless victim passed out in the cellar of the inn. Stabbing him through the heart from behind, he obtained the power for the black soul gem for his Dunmer friend. Hatori Hanzo and his friend were found out and banished from the school. Wandering from his only known home in Winterhold, finally finding rest in a small Coastal town of Dawn star. Crashing hard in the cellar of the inn. He awakes to find a hooded figure in his room. Inviting him to join a brotherhood of stealthy throat slashers...A wry smirk comes across his face. He is presented with the challenge of killing one of three people presented to him. After hearing about what each had to say, standing at the side of one on the end of this small line but next to the dark figure, he asked his new hooded friend, "Aren't you going to kill them all anyway?" Taken aback slightly but nodding anyway the man stood still. Hatori Hanzo took out his bow silently and shot three arrows, one after another, each hitting an unsuspecting head and the next traveling past the falling victim toward the next. And so he starts his journey in this Dark Brotherhood.
Equipment: Deadric Dagger, Elvish Bow a few simple arrows and nothing else.