MikelAmroni |
About the only thing I really like from 4.0 as it has been presented is the "more monsters per fight" approach. The 3.x CR system really was based more around 1 opponent and 4 PCs, and the more monsters you have, the less dangerous they become to the PCs, which can be frustrating. I've run plenty of encounters with multiple monsters, and Gestalt is actually a great way to really do this without making it too impossible/cake-walk-ish for the players, but I'd love something built into the rules for this. The Minions set-up of 4.0 is a pretty interesting idea that I may just test out once or twice. If anything else, it's a good way to up the number of creatures without appreciably increasing the time the combat will take.
The problem is that WotC already gave us the way to implement this in 3.5, in Dungeonscape. They introduced the concept of monsters with roles (which they took a step further in 4E, designing monsters to fit into roles, instead of applying roles to monsters...not sure I like that approach). One controller, some artillery, a bruiser, and a few skirmishers what you need? Grab a kobold sorcerer, some kobold spearman (artillery and skirmishers), a bugbear barbarian, and adjust the CR to match your party, (D20SRD.org has an awesome CR Calculator), and voila, everything you need, no 4E to retrofit :)