MiiaL's page

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Gaulin wrote:

Not going to lie I'm a little salty that the thing I've wanted most in pf2e (being able to apply runes directly to your character to empower unarmed attacks or unarmored ac) is tied to a rare class that I don't really vibe with. The monkeys paw curls.

Animist is a really cool class and the class archetypes are great. Bloodrager is an awesome new take on the class. Again a little salty that seneschal witch is the only class archetype that's rare and maybe the one I was most looking forward to playing, but such is the rarity system.

I'm on the opposite side where it comes to Bloodrager. Been wanting 1e Bloodrager to be put into 2e as a class archetype since the game released, given the sorcerer dedication + Moment of Clarity feat and action tax approach just makes it very unappealing, so definitely got the monkey paw curling on that end. Really do not vibe with the theming change one bit.