Miguel Rosales's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


soulnova wrote:
I live in Cancun. I have ran Pathfinder for my friends since it came out. As far as I know there are other players here but nothing really organized as the Society. The only two gaming stores seems to favor D&D instead of Pathfinder. I wish that would change. Is there going to be a way to order the books from within Mexico? Buying the PDF has been a godsend because International Shipping really hits us hard... but I would certainly like to buy the physical copies.

Yo te puedo ayudar con eso amigo.

Hi, I represent Tijuana Geek retail Store and Tijuana RPG non profit organize gaming organization.

Any one is welcome! Visit us on Facebook to see aur weakly gaming program. http://www.facebook.com/TijuanaRPG

Hola amigos si vives cerca de Tijuana te invito a buscar Tijuana Geek/ Tijuana RPG grupo de juegos de rol organizado. Es totalmente gratis, gente amigable y con mucha experiencia en el Rol. Jugamos todo tipo de juegos. Con un repertorio de 10 masters hambrientos de jugadores que acepten sus retos.


Danos like, revisa las partidas y visitanos ;)

Hola amigo, se que ya tiene tiempo que posteastes esto y tal vez ya encontrastes a la gente adecuada si no es asi, te sugiero a la Roleria.


y si andas en Tijuana algun dia puedes buscar a Tijuana RPG.
