
Mightyeagle's page

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I have not been able to find. I just got both a witch and summoner class deck. Curious if I can stack a role power of character on top of my cohorts role power? Or can you use only 1power of either orn per check.

Would this apply to both witch and summoner classes? Which base set rule book covers in depth rules on how cohorts should be used and played?

Any advice is appreciated.

Hey all,

Just curious if it is fair play to bring over and mix any of my ROTR cards with the S&S Base Set. There are some pets I really enjoyed playing with Lini in ROTR but do not see them in S&S. Such as Sabertooth, Bears, etc... Want to make certain I don't cheat myself out of playing a legit game and not sure what the rules are with mixing any kinds of cards between the 2 sets. Planning on taking Lini down the aquamancer path.

I love the utility that she brings... so many different aspects & powers. However, I really struggle anytime she gets into combat currently. Perhaps finding some better allies to support her to get her to better loot will help. Of course it could be bad luck I've had as well.

Any suggestions for good allies from the S&S side of things that would compliment her well? Thinking the first power feat to get will be to place her ally on the top of her deck when using their power. This could be very advantageous with a potent companion; I would think?

Anyhow, just completed the Base adventure path and now starting campaign #1.

Thank you for any feedback! /cheers