Michael Riat's page

1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I'd be interested in playing Pathfinder. I too live in Florissant, will be 40 in 5 days, have good hygiene, don't smoke and like cats and dogs.

I am unsure how to send a PM in these forums. I've not played for a while and would only be able to play every other week as my wife works 7 days on 7 days off, but on her weeks off any day/time is fine.

Two reasons I may not fit your group.

One: I do really like to know rules. I read them alot and offer to inform people of them (but they are free to turn me down), but I always put story first and highly respect the most important rule, "The DM is leading a story and what they say goes." My last group's DM found me handy. When he was unsure on a rule and thought it would be nice to know but wasn't critical right now he'd have me look up but if things were cooking and a pause would mess with flow he'd shoot from the hip.

Two: I used to teach math and judging by your name worry if my addition to the table would bring the math geekieness to critical levels. :)
