Cinder Wolf

Michael Koch's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts (30 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Time for the fiction to go. Expanded adventure or articles would be
added value.

Liberty's Edge

I hope you can find room for gunpowder rules here if they are not
in the main rulebook.

Liberty's Edge

2 or 3 books a year sounds great. Hope one of the early ones is

Liberty's Edge

Any idea how often new books will come out after the core?
With 3.5 they seemed to come every two months. I hope you won't
be throwing out splat books at this rate. It hurt the system over
time. It's impossible to keep up quality and maintain balance.

Liberty's Edge

Doh! No I did not click Order History.
Thanks. The orders pending and I should have had more faith in
Paizo's customer service.

Liberty's Edge

I also do not have the Beta in my order history or the Pathfinder
setting hardcover. Can someone with Paizo check the status of my order.

Liberty's Edge

1) Not converting
2) Will cancel my subscription when you go 4E
3) Will keep subscription and buy more then I have in the past since
I won't be buying anything from WOTC.

Liberty's Edge

Just to answer your earlier question, I will stick with Pathfinder
as long as it is 3.5 or a closely compatible 3.75. I'm not going to buy a 4.0 adventure path.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks Cosmo for your answer. I'll keep with Pathfinder as long as
its not 4E.

Liberty's Edge

I may be jumping the gun but it looks like the third adventure
path will now be 4E. I will still have 3 issues of Pathfinder
coming to me. Since I have no interest in an adventure path for
a game I'm not buying will you offer refunds for the remaining subscription.

Liberty's Edge

I really hope you will reconsider and offer annual subscriptions. Not all of us have credit cards and when my transition issues are through your going to lose a custumer of five years now. I would think any added cost would be made up by the benefit of getting my money a year earlier.