Race |
Male Human Barbarian 1 | hp 18/18 | AC 19(17 without shield), T 12, FF 17(15 without shield) | Init +2 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +-1| Perception -2 |
About Michael J. Caboose CORE
Character Sheet
Caboose is not entirely sure how he ended up on Golarion. As far as he knows, he had taken a ride on a roller coaster that went really, really high. So high in fact that he felt a need to go to the bathroom half-way through. So he left his seat to go looking for a bathroom. Whilst exploring the really huge roller coaster, however, he found some buttons, and as everybody knows, buttons are there to be pressed. So Caboose started to press the buttons.
As luck would have it, whilst he was pressing the buttons, the roller coaster started to descend, and it went really, really fast. So fast in fact that it actually hurt a lot when the roller coaster finally stopped. His armor protected him, but was significantly damaged in the process. As he stumbled out of what was left of the roller coaster, he found himself in a strange new place (the roller coaster must have went really far as well - those were the best kinds!).
After fending off a few scary robots who had come from somewhere or other, Caboose found a group of people in strange clothes who were friendly and kept asking him about some mountain of silver. However, Caboose was not really sure what they were talking about, so he just nodded and said 'yes'. His answer seemed to excite the friendly people (who called themselves 'Puff-finders') who invited him to join them. Always eager to make new best friends, Caboose agreed.
And life was never the same again in Absalom.