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I need some help in ending a debate on the interpretation of the toughness feat between some of my friends. I will post the feat as per the core rulebook and then give the three different opinions.

You gain +3 hit points. For every Hit Die you possess beyond 3, you gain an additional +1 hit point. If you have more than 3 Hit Dice, you gain +1 hit points whenever you gain a Hit Die (such as when you gain a level).

Person 1:

lvl 1.....+3
lvl 2.......0
lvl 3.......0
lvl 4.....+1
lvl 5.....+1
lvl 20....+1

Person 2:
lvl 1......+3
lvl 2........0
lvl 3........0
lvl 4....1+1
lvl 5....1+1
lvl 20...1+1

Person 3:
lvl 1......+3
lvl 2......+3
lvl 3......+3
lvl 4....3+1
lvl 5....3+2
lvl 20..3+20

Who is right?

I appreciate all the replies but the defining difference was race and hight. Our pary was human fighter and ranger, Halfling rouge, dwarf wizard/whatever his dual was, and eleven cleric. The only difference between our party and the mirror duplicate was they were all human. So I and the fighter ended up aiming about a foot above our own rouge and wizards head and attacking that space. Where we would be striking air, our duplicates actually hit their party members. So after the rouge and wizard died on their side our wizard and rouge mopped up the rest. All we had to do was take no action. And yes Ki77YC47 there was hilarity as my party started to kill me by attacking the mirror ranger before they figured the pattern out. I guess i forgot to mention we were in a tournament and this was the last phase, group on group combat.

Majuba wrote:

Two ways:

Perform irreplicable actions, so they can't mirror you (or it would be pointless to). This can be difficult to devise, especially on the fly.


Break the cycle, by having your party member defeat his duplicate (since you seem to be going first, this is the only way to gain an advantage, other than simple luck). This can be concentrating fire on a group member's double who's turn is coming and they can finish them off, or just something like a wizard casting hold person on his double before it can.

Edit: Third way - walk up and shake hands.

I thought the same way but apparently they also had the same initiative as their non-mirrored selfs. When my arrow flew, so did my counterparts.

I do have to say, although I found it frustrating, I would like to try the fight again.

My party ended up in a fight with a mirror/duplicate party. They had the exact same PC stats as us just opposite alignments. When the wizard cast a spell the mirror wizard did the same, as a ranger, If I shot at ...say the mirror fighter the mirror ranger did the same to our fighter. If our cleric healed so did the mirror. How would you go about defeating something like this?