
Michael F's page

Organized Play Member. 569 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

I have seen some Aldori Swordlord builds suggested on the boards that take levels of Duelist. Duelist has great abilities, but I have seen nothing in the rules that lets you get around the fact that an Aldori Dueling sword is slashing weapon, and the interesting Duelist abilities require piercing.

Am I missing a special exception written in somewhere?

I do like the idea of taking Crane Style, and taking a Monk MoMS dip makes that easier.

So I'm thinking of building a Two-Weapon Warrior. Plan is to specialize in and eventually dual wield a one-handed non-light weapon when the Improved Balance class feature kicks in at 11th (APG page 109).

So what weapon to choose?

Is Bastard Sword Exotic Weapon Prof worth it to aspire to a d10 in each hand?

How about the Falcata with the x3 crit?

I think maybe the Aldori dueling sword is meant to work better as a single wield build.

Since you eventually have to get up to a 19 Dex, is Weapon Finesse worth it? Or just concentrate on strength and get the minimum Dex through magic belts and such?

The text for Overland Flight in the image is wrong. The fly speed should be 40 (30) & not 60 (40) like the regular Fly spell. Just sayin'.

I got an email alert yesterday (7/31) that said that the charge for my shipment had been declined by my bank. But when I looked at my card account online last night, there appeared to be enough available credit to cover the order.

When I talked to an actual operator, he said that the charge from Paizo was approved. I guess it's "pending" because I still can't see the Paizo charge when I look online, but the operator said he could see it.

It was funny to hear the guy try to pronounce "Paizo"

I also paid my August bill a few weeks early last night, so when those funds post today there will be even more "room" on the account.

The operator at the bank said you could call them to confirm the approval. I sent the number in a response to your email.

Hopefully you guys will be able to get my books in the mail soon. Can't wait to get my hands on the hardcover setting!

My party just finished their battle with Nualia and her henchmen. But Orik and Lyrie got away together, and I'm wondering what they would do next.

Some background:


The party's assault on Thistletop was going pretty well at first. They were able to take out Gogmurt the Druid and the other goblins and dogs without any major losses. The large radius of Entangle made it hard for Gogmurts alies to help him, despite his mobility in the briars. He went down, but he got a warning off.

The party detected the trap on the bridge, secured it, and crossed over. The front doors were barred and all the tower goblins were alert. The party began taking arrows from the towers as the rat-dog riding commandos came charging around the corner of the fort. A grand melee ensued, but the party prevailed, laying waste to the mounted goblins and their dogs and clearing both towers.

They scaled one of the towers and gained entry to the fort that way. They found the throne room fairly quickly and another big fight began. One PC was dropped to negatives, but eventually Ripnugget got his nuggets rippped out.

The PCs finished exploring the 1st level, and decided to take the "back" (North) stairs down to the first dungeon level. They walked right past the room where Lyrie was doing research alone and opened the door to the Temple. The two Yeth hounds both used their Bay attack, and only 2 out of 6 PCs made both saving throws.

Oops. Now everyone with ears within 300 feet knows something is up. The four a-feared PCs bolt back upstairs, while the two un-feared PCs stick around for a round or two to slam the temple doors shut and pick up dropped weapons.

(I assumed that the yeth hounds had been baying once per 24 hours so that all of Nualia's allies would be "immunized" against the fear attack if they ever had to use it in an actual fight.)

Lyrie bravely ran away through the secret door towards Nualia. Orik made a beeline for where Lyrie was, since he's sweet on her, but she was gone by the time he got there. Bruthazmus, with his faster move speed, passed Orik up and figured out that the PCs had gone back up the North stairs. Bruthazmus and Orik blocked the door at the bottome of the North stairs, and then Bruthazmus used the South stairs to sneak up on the Party and stage an ambush.

Bruthazmus dropped a bit of damage on a few PCs and then ran away when the party started to surround him. The PCs followed cautiously. Eventually, fought Orik and Bruthazmus one more time before the bad guys retreated through the secret door to the 2nd dungeon level. The PCs blocked the secret door. They un-blocked the door to the Temple and killed the Yeth hounds. The spotted the Tentamort before it could attack, and killed it from range. Then they rested for the night in the Tentamort's lair. They let the goblin wives and babies get away in the night.

The next day, they un-blocked the secret door and went down to fight Nualia and her crew. Obviously, they were expected. The fight happened mostly in the trapped corridor. It's never good news when a porticulus cuts off the point man from the rest of the party.

It came close to a TPK because Nualia had more support than I had originally expected. I thought one or more of Nualia's allies would have been caught and greased on the first dungeon level, but the all managed to get away.

The PCs killed the yeth hound, then Bruthazmus, and then Nualia. At least two of six PCs were down when Nualia dropped. But Orik was still fresh and he wanted to try and get away with Lyrie so he pressed the attack. He dropped one more PC but then was taken down to 2 hp by the Fumble Deck. So he dropped his sword and surrendered. Lyrie said "Agree to let us go, or I start shooting magic missiles into your downed friends."

The three upright party members agreed.

So Orik and Lyrie took off from Thistletop and never looked back.

So my question is, where do they go now? Orik is hot for Lyrie, so he would probably try to stay with her. But would Lyrie want to stay with Orik? At the end he (and a few mirror images) was the only thing between Lyrie's paltry hit points and the swords of the PCs.

I assume they would probably go to Magnimar. If they do go to Magnimar, do they somehow contact Xanesha or come to her attention? Should I insert them somewhere in Skinsaw?

Another possibility is that they stop in Sandpoint. Orik and Lyrie have a head start, and until the PCs get back to town, no one in Sandpoint has any reason to connect them with the goblins. Lyrie would probably be interested in finding out about Tsuto. The party killed him, so she'll be pissed about that and want to take revenge. But two against six PCs is bad odds. And they wouldn't be able to show their faces around town once the PCs got back.

So does anyone have any other interesting ideas?

I also received my Pathfinder #9 with no Gazeteer in the envelope.


Half an hour after I asked the question, I got an emai from Paizo that says the PDF is updated to include the map.

I was thinking of giving Gogmurt the Goblin Druid a Domain and taking away his kitty. What do you think of this idea? What domain would you give him?

I lean towards Fire, becuase that seems to make sense for a Goblin shaman. But if he had the 1st level fire domain ability he wouldn't need his wand any more, so I'd have to find a new item for him. Not sure how likely he is to need fire resistance.

Plant would be another good domain, considering his environment. He'd still have use for the wand because plant grants a hand to hand bonus. But he'd get extra entangles and could switch his racked entangle for something else, maybe one more CLW. And Barksin would be cool too.

Earth might not be bad either.

I like the new system.

It's easier to track.

As they go up in level, PCs stay competent in things without effort.

If needs dictate and the PC needs to pick up a new skill, it's instantly helpful without distracting from skills already learned. I think the fun of being really good at the new skill outweighs the simulation issues.

I think folks are overestimating how much benefit they were getting from scattering a few skill points across random skills for "customization". I did it with my Wizard, I have 1 pt in every knowledge skill. But I only ever actually make the Arcana rolls.

I think folks are overestimating hom much of a problem there will be with "1st Level Rogue Auto-Choice". I might consider it if I really wanted to play a multi-class character. But if was really wanted to play a Fighter, Cleric or Wizard, I doubt I would bother with Rogue 1. I would want to get right to it and concentrate on my "real" class.

Does anyone else watch Dirty Jobs on the Discovery Channel?

Did you see the Hagfish Fisherman at work?

Wow, just, Wow. SO MUCH SLIME!

There was more slime on that boat than at Jubilex's birthday party!

I need to cancel my pathfinder subscription because I'm going to DM the first AP, but someone else is going to DM the next AP. So I'm not allowed to read them!

I still want to be able to receive the campaign background stuff in the Chronicles subscription.

Is it possible to keep the chronicles subscription if I cancel the main pathfinder subscription?

Is keeping the chronicles subscription the fastest way to receive those items as they are completed?

Or would it be faster to just pre-order everything I want right now?

And here's my biggest question: will I lose the "Charter Subscriber" tag on the message boards? That would be such a bummer ;^)

I'm still haven't made up my mind about the GameMastery modules. I haven't actually used any of them yet, but I like the extra background information they provide.

After seeing the maps on the blog the other day, I was wondering if it would ever be possible to produce the mape files in a higher resolution so that you could print them at 1" per square on the map.

Okay, so here's my situation. My group has six experienced players, so I have to up the size of some of the encounters a bit so that there's enough xp to go around.

Otherwise, the fights are two easy and the characters won't advance fast enough to be able to handle some of the tougher fights later on.

Anyway, we just finished up the Glassworks at the last session, and the players are poised to hit the Catacombs of Wrath. Prior to this, I've just been adding extra goblins or increasing the commando count.

I figure I can add an extra sinspawn here and there in the catacombs easily enough.

But the poor Vargouille is all alone! :(

He's creepy-cool and everything, and I'm sure the players will freak when they first see him. First the Sinspawn, and then a Vargouille! But he's only got 5 hp and I don't think he'll last that long against six PCs.

I think he needs a friend, but not just any friend. An Abbot to his Costello, a Penn to his Teller. The perfect straight-man.

So does anyone have any ideas? Some kind of wacky outsider or undead buddy that compliments the Vargouille. I want to keep the CR at 2. I'm not looking for a TPK, I just want to up the ante a bit.

I thought about using an Attic Whisperer from the Beastiary, but the CR is a bit high at 4, and it seems a bit of a stretch for there to have been a child down there.

In the Varisia section of Pathfinder 3 (page 67), the horse lords of the Valashu Uplands are described. I was wondering if these folks are Shoanti, Varisian or possibly Chelish.

They seem like they might be a barbarian tribe, but none of the Shoanti tribes listed explicitly claim the Velashu Uplands as their territory, and none of the Shoanti tribes mention skill with horses.

However, they also don't quite fit with the feel of the Varisians, who seem more wagon-train gypsies as opposed to galloping riders of the plains.

I kind of doubt they're Chelish colonists, but I could be wrong.

I signed up for the Game Mastery subscription after a few of the modules had already been released (on 8/16). I'm also a Pathfinder charter subscriber and selected the option that holds the game mastery modules to ship with Pathfinder. Basically, I waited on the game mastery subscription because I wanted to be able to select the combined shipping option, which wasn't going to be available until after Pathfinder 1 shipped. I suppose I hadn't really made up my mind yet, either.

At the same time I order the subscription, I ordered the Game Mastery modules that I had missed so far (plus a bunch of other stuff). My order came today, but I looked at my downloads page and there isn't anything there but Pathfinder 1.

Am I correct in assuming that I won't get PDFs for the modules I ordered on 8/16, because my status as a Game Master ongoing subscriber hadn't "kicked in" yet?

Is there any way around this?