Mournebringer's page

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Little bit of back story. Some friends and I play Pathfinder a couple times a week. I wouldn't say we are great, but its fun and everyone seems to have a good time and we take turns GMing so that everyone gets a chance to be both player and Gamemaster.

While each of us has our own quirks, our current GM seems to feel it is his job to kill the party. We have had 6 sessions playing Winter Witch AP and have had 2 TPKs and 3 near TPKs(75% of the party died). This is more deaths than our other campaigns combined.

My question is this; is it fair to pitch a group that fortified their campground and posted guards against the following enemies within the span of a single day(all of these where rolled on the random encounter table). An ogre, a swarm of mosquitoes, 2 encounters with bandits, and 2 encounters with some sort of fey creatures we failed to identify?