Michael Ahlf |
A lot of the problem in the 3.0/3.5 system was the ease in which people could "munchkin" together a character to broken levels. With the new "pick one of two" favored classes racial wording in Pathfinder, this gets even easier.
So here's my suggestion:
Multiclassing should be a cumulative 10% penalty to XP for each "infraction."
- Having more than two base classes (the old rule was that this only applied if a base class was 2 levels higher than another level and it wasn't your favored class: thus a half-orc Ftr2/Bbn1/Sor1/Rog1 was still legit). Infraction for each extra base class beyond 2, period.
- Having a base class 2 levels higher than another class, and one of the classes not your favored class. Dwarven Paladin4/Rogue2 = Infraction! Purpose: prevent "dipping" for abilities.
- Having multiple unfinished (read: not fully leveled) Prestige Classes. Infraction for every P-class beyond the first. (Rogue5/Invisible Blade5/Assassin1 ok: Rogue5/Invisible Blade4/Assassin1, not ok).
Purpose: prevent the Fighter2/Cleric3/Pious Templar4/Holy Liberator2/Divine Crusader1/etc/etc/etc - that's "dipping for abilities" again.