Miasol |

From across the room a lithe female glides to where the group of you stand talking.Her clothing is of exquisite and form fitting; it shimmers and ripples as if it isn't completely of this plane. She looks at Inyl and then at Malgrim and Borsa each in turn. Glancing at David she dismisses him with a brief wave of the hand which he acknowledges with a bow and hurries away.
Borsa. I see you are entertaining the guests with stories. Well the cache maybe more than a story but it may not. The lumberjacks however need to learn what is and isnt allowed. Maybe you should lead the next group so you can "Know" yourself what will continue to happen. Domman was one of your friends until he took your place on the last excursion. Now he is mad and you write him off like nothing was ever between the two of you. No honor and no sense of loyalty. I hope something untoward doesn't happen to you With a dry sardonic chuckle carrying a heap of malice behind it, she mockingly bows and says I am but Miasol and I am only a messenger, a harbinger if you will of others of fate.