
Mhuirich - Lem's page

1 post. Alias of Mhuirich.


Testing post

Lem wrote:

Hand: Inflict, Troubadour, Blessing of the Gods 1, Cure, Bracers of Protection, Lightning Touch,

Deck: 9 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: Blessing available. Lem will use allies or recharge as needed.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d4 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Constitution d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1
Charisma d12 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2
Diplomacy: Charisma +2
Divine: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
At the start of your turn ([ ] and after you reset your hand), you may discard 1 spell then add 1 spell from your discard pile to your hand.
You may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) to a check by another character at your location. If the recharged card has the Healing trait, recharge a random card from your discard pile.

Lem pokes his nose into the Cavern. His troubadour companion cries out, "Watch out for the pit!"

Pit Trap Dex 8: 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + (1) = 7 recharge Troubadour

The warning comes too late as Lem tumbles to the bottom of the pit.

Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3

"Ouch, that smarts!" recharge Bracers, discard Inflict, Blessing

He cast's a quick spell to heal his bruises.

Cure: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Recharge Divine 8: 1d12 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

His pride wounded more than his body, Lem pauses to catch his breath.

Lem wrote:

Hand: Blessing of the Gods 4, Blessing of the Gods 2, Bracers of Protection, Troubadour, Blessing of the Gods 1, Lightning Touch,

Deck: 9 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: Blessing available. Lem will use allies or recharge as needed.
Sideboard cards: