Mezheven |
Hello again!
The following build is the result of all the advice, tips and suggestion from my previous topic "Creating a brand-new Rogue with the Core Rulebook / APB / UC"
Need more feedback ;)
Human +1 Feat and 1 skill rank/lvl, +2 to a stat (Str)
+1 skill rank from Favored Class
Str 18
Dex 17
Con 13
Int 11
Wis 13
Cha 15
Two-Weapon Fighting with Katana and Spiked Gauntlet. Shuriken and Daggers for ranged attack.
The idea is to lay low and flank whenever it's possible.
Current list of feats and tricks/talents (work in progress):
01 - Two-Weapon Fighting, Double Slice
02 - (Vanishing Trick)
03 - Power Attack
04 - (Offensive Defense)
05 - Extra Ki
06 - (Forgotten Trick)
07 - Combat Reflexes/Iron Will/Toughness/Weapon Focus
08 - (Pressure Points/Flurry of Stars/Slow Reactions)
09 - Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
10 - (Invisible Blade)
11 - Combat Reflexes/Iron Will/Toughness/Weapon Focus
12 - (Opportunist Rogue Talent)
13 - Improved Critical
14 - (Evasion)
15 - Two-Weapon Rend
16 - (Improved Evasion Rogue Trick)
17 - Critical Focus
18 -
19 -
20 -
~Combat Expertise
I have 10 skill ranks for each level. I still want more. Am I obsessed? Should I try to get more?
Thinking about the Scout archetype. Just not sure if I want to ditch Uncanny Dodge and the improved version.
Party will most likely look like this:
Eldritch Knight (?)
Samurai (ronin)
Ranger or Alchemist
On a side note, I'm wrapping up my background and RP stuff. I might post it.