Mezheven's page

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Hello again!

The following build is the result of all the advice, tips and suggestion from my previous topic "Creating a brand-new Rogue with the Core Rulebook / APB / UC"

Need more feedback ;)

Human +1 Feat and 1 skill rank/lvl, +2 to a stat (Str)
+1 skill rank from Favored Class

Str 18
Dex 17
Con 13
Int 11
Wis 13
Cha 15

Two-Weapon Fighting with Katana and Spiked Gauntlet. Shuriken and Daggers for ranged attack.

The idea is to lay low and flank whenever it's possible.

Current list of feats and tricks/talents (work in progress):

01 - Two-Weapon Fighting, Double Slice
02 - (Vanishing Trick)
03 - Power Attack
04 - (Offensive Defense)
05 - Extra Ki
06 - (Forgotten Trick)
07 - Combat Reflexes/Iron Will/Toughness/Weapon Focus
08 - (Pressure Points/Flurry of Stars/Slow Reactions)
09 - Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
10 - (Invisible Blade)
11 - Combat Reflexes/Iron Will/Toughness/Weapon Focus
12 - (Opportunist Rogue Talent)
13 - Improved Critical
14 - (Evasion)
15 - Two-Weapon Rend
16 - (Improved Evasion Rogue Trick)
17 - Critical Focus
18 -
19 -
20 -

~Combat Expertise

I have 10 skill ranks for each level. I still want more. Am I obsessed? Should I try to get more?

Thinking about the Scout archetype. Just not sure if I want to ditch Uncanny Dodge and the improved version.

Party will most likely look like this:

Eldritch Knight (?)
Samurai (ronin)
Ranger or Alchemist

On a side note, I'm wrapping up my background and RP stuff. I might post it.

Many of you have probably read my topic about the Rogue. While I haven't given up on that class, I'm exploring others as well. Since the Bard suggestion came up several time, I'm really curious.

I also mentioned a friend of mine playing one in our game. And he sucks. My guess is that he tried to do too many things, none of them at their full potential, thus ending up doing very few overall. He mostly casts Haste and do some healing here and there. Must be very boring for him!

I'd rather play a single class character(no multiclass). That's just a personal choice, please respect it.

There are several archetypes out there, I'm open about them. I don't have the Ultimate Magic book though, no idea if there's any good stuff in there for Bard.

Thanks in advance!


I'm about to complete my first Pathfinder RPG campaign and the GM asked the group to start thinking about our new characters. I'm currently playing a Ranger, it's decent and all but I made some mistakes and I'd like to avoid doing the same with my new character.

I'm still working on my background, which will be heavily used in the oncoming campaign. For now, I'll stick to the character creation and especially where I want to go.

I'd prefer to not multiclass, sticking to core class instead. Unless it's a bad choice.


I'd like to go with a skills heavy Rogue. I wonder if it's worthwhile?
I read some stuff on the forums, some say go Dex all the way with Weapon Finesse, other say to have good Str too. Otherwise, I'm having an hard to say, some Cons to not die easily?


Is Two-Weapon Fighting good with a Rogue?
If so, could go TWF > Double Slice > Imp TWF > Greater TWF. Or too much?
Throwing some ideas:
Dodge > Mobility > Spring Attack
Quick Draw
Power Attack > Cleave > Greater Cleave
Combat Expertise > Imp Feint / Imp Trip (I read Trip is useful, so)
Improved Critical > Crit Focus > Useful crit effect

Rogue Talents

Basic: Combat Trick/Finesse Rogue for free feats, Fast Stealth, Slow Reactions, Resiliency.
Advanced: Crippling Strike, Imp Evasion, Opportunist, Slippery Mind

Sticking to the Core RB, I'd go with Rapier/Sword Short combo, some daggers. Maybe a Spear. Read some stuff about Whip, and in the case of the Knives Master, daggers.

I have access to the Advanced PB and Ultimate Combat books. There are some archetypes there but I really don't know their worth. Same goes for Rogue talents and Feats. There are so much, I have to admit I'm lost.

I assume the Rogue is more a support class than a heavy dmg dealing class. It clearly has to wait to go into melee and usually don't last long. I hope it shines somewhere else.

Anyhow, advices are very welcome. Discuss!

P.S. English isn't my first language. I apology for the poor grammar :|