Silver Dragon

MeteorMash's page

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Fantastic post. I love it.

My group had almost all of the same reactions. In particular, they REALLY hated the lack of surprise rounds.

Only a couple of differences for my group: my group thought that +1 instead of +2 ability points after 18 was fine, they said it "made sense". My group keeps saying "race" even though they don't have any problem with "ancestry". My wife doesn't like the shift to a silver standard, but everyone else is fine with it.

I'm really glad you posted this. It's all of my group's thoughts posted in a much better way than we ever could have. Thank you.

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My party had the same issue with the water elemental. It came down to an HP depletion race. The Water Elemental was basically guaranteed to hit on its first attack no matter who it was attacking, and it was criting like crazy with its +13 to hit. My players got really frustrated because it was a murderous bag of hit points with no weaknesses and an immunity to critical hits. Its +12 reflex save wasn’t winning it any popularity contests either. Tedious is the perfect word.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I fully agree. In particular I found the frantic page flipping ground the game to a halt. This happened when an enemy failed its will save vs Color Spray.

This was the process: What does Color Spray do? Blinded. What is Blinded? Creatures are Unseen and can be sensed with a seek action. What is Unseen? What is Sensed? What is a Seek action?

Maybe it’ll be easier once we have all these things memorized, but as of right now I really wish all that information was in the same place.