Merlin the Sage's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


It doesn't crank up the damage much more it is 1d6 more per arrow.
And it is by far not the most powerful of the list. I is up there but there are several others that a powerful.

Both Aasimar and tiefling can get natural attacks from it, Cough which I have used. Hello Pass as human oni born tiefling werewolf cult leader warpriest.
Getting claw attack for giving up darkness and you keep everything else. At lvl 1 infact you could do claw and bite at lvl 1.

Oh about ask GM. Living Campaign and GMs I RAW/RAI period.

6 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sadly at this point it is so divided. And I am on the fence that is with able to wield it. I just wish I could get a offical Errata or FAQ for this ability.

So question for Staff to be FAQ, Does Tiefling's ability "Oversized Limbs" allow the usage of a large 2 handed weapon?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So I have a Tiefling with Oversized Limbs he is using a Orc Hornbow when I use Gravity Bow what damage am I doing?
For reference this is a Eldritch Archer build.

The bow at medium size deals 2d6 since it is large it deals 3d6. What does Gravity Bow change the damage to from 3d6?

Does this book horror realms have the oracle curse ablothe?