
Merius Galca's page

92 posts. Alias of yiannisph.

Full Name

Merius Galca




Cleric (Divine Strategist) 1 | VMC Wizard | HP: 10/10 | AC: 15 FF 15 T 11 | CMD: 11 | Fort: +3 Ref:+1 Will:+6 (+2 v fear, emotion, death, negative energy) | Perc +10 SM +8










Taldan, Varisian, Orisiani

Strength 10
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 18
Charisma 11

About Merius Galca


Appearance: Merius has pale blue skin, and his eyes have no pupils or irises. To offset this appearance that most people find disturbing, Merius wears his hair long so that it draws attention to his more traditional humanoid facial structure. He wears tinted glasses whenever the opportunity calls for it, even though he doesn’t need them, or it would be unusual.
Personality: Merius tends to be very methodical and aloof, as his long lifespan and generational memories make him slower to act than most of his shorter-lived compatriots. He is often friendly, and amicable, but embraces his position as an old soul. Due to his renewed ties to Erastil, he often thinks that means he needs to protect and watch over those younger than him, which is to say, most everyone.

When it comes to battle though, he is often sharp and precise, looking to act quickly and protect those around him.
Backstory: Of his current life, Merius only remembers that he grew up in Caliphas in a heavily Varisian community. He does not remember much of his youth, or any clerical training at all. He remembers being enrolled in some of the city’s schools, but does not know what he learned there. His loss of his current memories have caused his mind to cling more closely to a past life, where he vividly remembers serving Erastil as a druid, fighting against the undead of the Whispering Tyrant. He’s awakened with a renewed conviction to deal with the unnatural horrors ahead of him.

Merius Galca
Male Cleric (Divine Strategist) 1 | VMC Wizard (Diviner)
LG humanoid (samsaran)
Init +5 (+2 in surprise round) Senses: Perception +10, Sense Motive +8

AC 16, flat-footed 15 touch 11 (+4 armor +1 dex +1 shield)
HP: 10 (All FCB in HP)
Fort +3 Ref +1 Will +6
Concentration: +5
Defensive Abilities:
Lifebound: +2 to save vs death effects and negative energy / levels
Enduring Stoicism: +2 to save vs fear and emotion effects.
Master Tactician: Always act in a surprise round.

Speed 30
Melee +0 Light Mace (1d6 + 0 x2)
Ranged +1 Longbow (1d8 + 0 19-20 x2)
Domains: Animal (Feather)
Offensive Abilities
Master Tactician: Bonus to initiative for self and allies.
Caster Support: Aid another on concentration and caster level checks, 1/2 bonus for non-divine casters.


Spells Per Day
1st—2+1 calm animals

Str 10 Dex 12 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 18 Cha 11
BAB +0 CMB +0 CMD 11

Lv01: Improved Initiative

Tr: Enduring Stoicism
Tr: Reactionary
Tr: Seeker


Adventuring Skills
Acrobatics (DEX) (0) +
Bluff (CHA) (0) +
Climb (STR) (0) +
*Diplomacy (CHA) (1) +4
Disable Device (DEX) (0) +
Disguise (CHA) (0) +
Fly (DEX) (0) +
*Heal (WIS) (1) +8
Intimidate (CHA) (0) +1 (+1 Enduring Stoicism)
*Knowledge: Arcana (INT) (0) +
Knowledge: Dungeoneering (INT) (0) +
Knowledge: Local (INT) (0) +
Knowledge: Nature (INT) (0) +
*Knowledge: Planes (INT) (0) +
*Knowledge: Religion (INT) (0) +
*Perception (WIS) (1) +10
Ride (DEX) (0) +
*Sense Motive (WIS) (1) +8
*Spellcraft (INT) (0) +
Stealth (DEX) (0) +
Survival (WIS) (0) +
Swim (STR) (0) +
Use Magic Device (CHA) (0) +

Background Skills
*Appraise (INT) (0) +
*Craft: Alchemy (INT) (0) +
Handle Animal (CHA) (0) +
Knowledge: Engineering (INT) (0) +
Knowledge: Geography (INT) (0) +
*Knowledge: History (INT) (1) +6
*Knowledge: Nobility (INT) (0) +
*Linguistics (INT) (1) +6
Perform (CHA) (0) +
*Profession (WIS) (0) +
Sleight of Hand (DEX) (0) +

Languages: Taldan, Varisian, Orisiani
Special Qualities
Samsaran Magic: 1/day each: comprehend languages, deathwatch, and stabilize
Mystic Past Life: Add 5 spells from other divine lists to your class spell list.
Heightened Awareness
Euphoric Cloud
Sleet Storm
Wall of Thorns
Eyes of the Hawk: +1/2 level to Perception (min 1). +2 to initiative if there is a surprise round.

Worn Gear:

Light Mace

Other Gear:

Cleric’s Kit