Captain Josper Creesy

Meritaelin Vindreşkaya's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for W. Kristoph Nolen.

Full Name

Meritaelin Vindreşkaya


Human (Varisian)


(3rd) Fighter (Lore Warden)




Medium (5'8 1/2)



Special Abilities

Whip Mastery


Chaotic Good


Travelling by wagon (Varisian "vardo") across the countryside.


Foreign guide, entertainer, and porter/teamster.

About Meritaelin Vindreşkaya

Meritaelin grew up travelling with his kumpania across all manner of countries and nations. He was the 7th son of a 7th son, which is auspicious to those who believe in superstition.
He plays the flute rather well, and also occaisionally plays a tin whistle, slide-whistle, or a piccolo. But, because he was not fond of the performing that many of his kinsmen did, he was relegated to being trained to sit atop the vardo and drive the horses. He still carries with him a long, supple leather coachman's whip (and is known for using it against men when necessary).

In his youth he often explored mausoleums and graveyards out of curiosity, but after a particularly harrowing escape after watching a dead man rise from his grave, he has a particular aversion to deathless things that stalk the night.

Meritaelin tends to keep a flask of watered-down brandy in a vest pocket.