
Meriam Knotbreaker's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


kenmckinney wrote:

OK, I can understand wanting the rules structures in place, but man, the goat and the pig were the best thing about the witch!


I know! Nothing says black magic like a goat. And there just seems something so right about a pig being a familiar for a witch. I think I'm going to use Boar stats with the young template and minus the gore attack for my pig familiar. Still thinking on what to use if any of my players want a goat or if I want an NPC with a goat familiar (which I do!).

I noticed that between the final playtest and the release of the APG, a couple of Witch familiars were dropped. Goat and Pig got the axe! (I was really looking forward to playing a witch with a pig familiar!) Assuming I wanted to use these, what would be good creature stats for them? Any suggestions?

While reading the Table 2-10: Witch, I noticed that at 10th level, and again at 18th level, it says "hex, major hex" (grand hex for 18th). Does this mean you get to select 2 hexes at these levels? Also, it states for Major Hex, "Starting at 10th level...a witch can choose one of the following major hexes whenever she could select a new hex." (Grand Hex the same for 18th level and grand hexes.) So does this mean that if you can choose 2 hexes at 10th and 18th levels, can you pick 2 major or 2 grand hexes, respectively?

I recently received my copy of the Pathfinder RPG and have been reading through it. First I would like to say that I thoroughly enjoy it and am glad that I don't have to file away all my 3.x materials like I have with my AD&D stuff. Anyways, on to my question.

In the feats section, all the "Extra XX" feats allow for multiple purchases, save for the "Extra Channel" feat. Was this intended, or was the "may be purchased multiple times" accidentally left out? I have read the errata, it doesn't mention it, and I have looked throughout the board trying to find it.