
Mercutio Lives's page

Goblin Squad Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I've learned that the folks at Paizo are doing an admirable job at carrying on a roleplaying tradition that so many of us love. They've tried awfully hard to fix issues that plagued 3.5 (successfully in many cases I might add). As no good deed goes unpunished though, so many players of Pathfinder seem to feel that Paizo just doesn't do enough, yet they continue to play a game that they bemoan is broken.

Now I'll let you in on something I learned when I DMed my first game 28 years ago: The game is yours. Unless you are play PFS, you can fix whatever you want, however you want. This game used to be played with imagination and intuition. Two things I've learned the people at Paizo seem to have in spades.