
Mendaril's page

8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


bwatford wrote:
Working on The Howlings from book 2 now. It is a huge map. Gonna be about 6 sections (maps) I believe.

Any news on this? It's really been the icing on the AP cake and set the mood perfectly in the first book.

Takilian Rueshin wrote:
Mendaril wrote:
Mendaril wrote:
Takilian Rueshin wrote:
Mendaril wrote:
Any chance that winter touched will be added to the templates available when selecting a monster? Also the ability to save and load battles to an external location would be handy, people could then share encounters either created from AP's or their own custom creations.

IS winter touche OGL? Can you post a link?

For import and export, I have already implemented those funcionality. You should receive the upgrade in a couple of hours.

Thanks for the quick response Takilian, I am unsure where winter touched fits under the OGL but I suspect there are people that can answer it. It's a template from the first part of the RoW AP The Snows of Summer.
The blurb at the start of the AP indicates it's compliant with the OGL, if that's enough I can give you a rundown of the winter touched and boreal templates.

We can discuss privatly, my address: luigi.papinoREMOVE@gmail.com

However, I hope to have the time to introduce a system for insert custom template.

Any news news on the Winter Touched template? My running of RoW has been bumped up a few months :)

Any word on this? The question has come up in my game recently.

Any word on the format the app expects the custom mobs to be in Takilian?

Mendaril wrote:
Takilian Rueshin wrote:
Mendaril wrote:
Any chance that winter touched will be added to the templates available when selecting a monster? Also the ability to save and load battles to an external location would be handy, people could then share encounters either created from AP's or their own custom creations.

IS winter touche OGL? Can you post a link?

For import and export, I have already implemented those funcionality. You should receive the upgrade in a couple of hours.

Thanks for the quick response Takilian, I am unsure where winter touched fits under the OGL but I suspect there are people that can answer it. It's a template from the first part of the RoW AP The Snows of Summer.

The blurb at the start of the AP indicates it's compliant with the OGL, if that's enough I can give you a rundown of the winter touched and boreal templates.

Takilian Rueshin wrote:
Mendaril wrote:
Any chance that winter touched will be added to the templates available when selecting a monster? Also the ability to save and load battles to an external location would be handy, people could then share encounters either created from AP's or their own custom creations.

IS winter touche OGL? Can you post a link?

For import and export, I have already implemented those funcionality. You should receive the upgrade in a couple of hours.

Thanks for the quick response Takilian, I am unsure where winter touched fits under the OGL but I suspect there are people that can answer it. It's a template from the first part of the RoW AP The Snows of Summer.

Any chance that winter touched will be added to the templates available when selecting a monster? Also the ability to save and load battles to an external location would be handy, people could then share encounters either created from AP's or their own custom creations.

For a five player group what changes should I look towards? As it stands the xp rewards are too low so keep the encounters as they are and use the faster xp track? Do I need to increase the challenge of some of the encounters or does it present a challenge as it stands?

I am pretty new to the GM side of things so all suggestions are appreciated.