Melkain's page

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Well if you're still taking people I'd be interested.

Alonzo Merryweather

Character Concept: Space Brat - born in space, raised in space, and has been pretty much everywhere at least once.

Big Flaw: He's always a little drunk, and if he runs out of alcohol he starts turning to harder substances. Being sober means he has to remember what happened to his family. (As a teenager there was an accident on his ship that killed everyone except for himself, and he was adrift and alone for several days before being rescued.)

Background: Having been born on a spacecraft to a family of merchants he's pretty familiar with most systems on a spacecraft and in a pinch can do most jobs there. Just don't ask for them to be done well, pretty, or by the book. He tends to take short cuts to get things done. He's been to so many different ports of call that he has contacts at most of them, and he's pretty familiar with a good number of ships and their crews as well. Especially the ones who are up to no good. He's a friendly fellow and is generally pretty likable.