Melchior's page

Goblin Squad Member. * Pathfinder Society GM. 17 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 16 Organized Play characters.

Sovereign Court 1/5

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How about changing chronicle loot to a series of one-time boons? Have the Society actively supporting it's agents by opening the vaults before a new adventure? Mindblowing notion, but try to entertain the idea.

The way I picture it, at the start of the session, you show the sheet to the GM, point out the item you want, then cross it out. You now have that item for that session, and then return it to the Grand Lodge. One item per session, no un-crossing for unspent items. Several scenarios already employ some sort of aid, be it supplies or a small cache of potions handed over at the start. All scenarios allow you to pick up and use items off of fallen foes.

Being one-time only, and dependent on the specific chronicle, this would not allow, say, the fighter to fight forever with free magical weapons. If the fighter in the example somehow managed to align an unending line of weapon-chronicles, the variation in the weapons found would cost him the specialization bonus. It would however allow a fighter with an expensive frost-blade to bring that one fire-axe he found once along for a single stint when he sees he's playing the scenario "Freezy Frost of There's Going to be Something Cold Going On", without dropping three chronicles worth of gold for the privilege.

Have occasional uniques (like Glorymane, Gamin) be unlocked for actual purchase on the chronicles, but otherwise leave to Fame what sort of items you can get access to in the local merchant district.

Sovereign Court

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I wonder if this is how the Aspis Consortium got started...

Sovereign Court

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A lot of suggestions of "drop it" or "make it bigger", a couple of "more patrols". What about regeneration? There are some fairly heavy fixer spells, and even if the wall only has one spell contingency on it, seeing their work undone once might convince the players to move on, which I gather is the intended effect. The Graven Guardian has an ability like this (for the right gods), certainly you could make a wall with a few shots of mending magics.

Another solution is to make that one chamber (that absolutely must be entered through the main door for the encounter to work) extradimensional. Why should the villain live in a dank dungeon just because that's his address? A permanent Magnificent Mansion linked to a dungeon doorway is a very classy villains lair (hell, a Tiny Hut beats most cellar barracks), and it cannot be dug into from the side. If the only way to enter for anyone but the master is the key his lieutenant holds, you get the added bonus of your players not getting to bypass No.2. Of course, the spell collapses with the death of the villain (or it is not permanent and must be recast frequently), so selling off the doorframe is not going to earn new armors for anyone.