Kelvos the Wormtouched

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Well due to schedualing things have run a bit slow =( But that is life! Currently they have just finished the fight in Room 11 of the temple of hextor and theldrick has gotten away.
I have a player that is playing a crusader and I unfortuantly did not realize how cool they are or should I say annoying.

Does anyone know If I can use somthing against him or keep him at bay.
Better yet maybe I could create an enemy for him. I would like some input on this. Please. Thanks

The LOCAL group went through the little “Office option” and it was great. Then they set up camp and then went to the whispering cairn. They fought the wolves and survived. They got to the main chamber and same thing got attacked by the mad slasher and ran from the swarm.
They are currently back at the town getting alchemist fire and various items. The group is now 5 with a new player are keeping record of what they see for Allustan.
How much info should Allustan give them about the history of the place?
How do I get them not so interested in the hole that they found in the walls making the whispering sounds?

The northern group has survived the main entrance and defeated the wolves and checked out gallery and thought it was cool. I described it like if you stood in the exact center the images became 3D and you could see them as if you were really there back in the day. Anyway the turned the sarcophagus and stopped on the green one and guess what......LOL the swarm cam and almost killed the cleric. They used ray of frost and trapped them selves in with some oil on the ground. But did enough damage. To help. the monk climbed the blue chain and almost died do to the wind face trap. LOL They set up camp and rested and ventured forth.
Then they decided to go down the green and encountered the resting room and stature with the Bomb beetle. Very interesting. They tried to sneak back and fought the giant beetle and then the swarm cam after them guess were they the flooded showers UGH! This posed a great ordeal. Should I let them die or not? Hrm if I could find a reasonable or cool way to help them survive. I would have let them die then and there. But on of the PC’s had a family heirloom that was a dagger of second life. One use only. And the divine interjected with the idiot cleric. (Might have been a mistake.) But you live and learn.
They spent the time and drained the showers and found the loot. Went back up and lite the lanterns. And that my friend is where we left off. Until tomorrow.
Any suggestions or questions would help incredibly.
As a side note I’ve really enjoyed becoming a DM and the players have had a lot of fun. I’m still winging most stuff. I’d like to get better at knowing the rules instead of winging it for the sake of time and focus.

So the group up north has barely survived so far. I think that is they don’t you there heads this next session. There all going to die!
Question: what would you do if a player in the fight with the water elemental just stands there and watches for over 5 rounds and does nothing and while he watched 2 of his mate drown and the squishy sorcerer swims and saves there lives.
I’ve decided to not give him as much XP as the others. Instead of Killing his PC. Which they all would have died if the divine hadn’t stepped in and helped with ulavant. This player said that he didn’t do anything cause of his alignment.(C-N) which I think was a total cop out. This guys is going to be really difficult to work with. He tried to swim and failed and gave up. Even if you had chain mail. And packing others stuff, how hard is it to drop the stuff and try to swim.
I know that he is cheating on his AC; he is counting his dodge bonus right at the beginning when you have to specific the opponent that you are dodging.
What would you do if you knew or found out the you player is consistently cheating?
Sorry to vent on you guys thanks fore checking in.^_^

Congrats dude! I've got a 15 month and one on the way in julish.

After the first few months it kinda calms down a bit. but yes it will take all of your energy to get through it. For me, my wife recognized that I put all my energy towards the family and keeping us a float. She saw that if I were to keep this up I would need time for me. Yes this helps. I don't care what kind of person you are everyone needs a release of some sort.
So I game every thursday and we have a date night friday and the rest of the week is normal.
If you are just a player it shouldn't be so bad. But if you are a DM like I'm trying to become.*chuckle* I study when the wife and kids go to sleep. Crunch time!
Well good luck man. this is prolly the best resource you can get beside time and the magazines.
Best wishes!

Very nice food for thought ya'all. I just got off the phone with one of my players. The Elven monk through his visits to restock the monastery has made a dwarven fighter as a friend some how. Back-up PC made YAY!!! he asked me if he could. My jaw dropped and I said casually yeah sure but inside I was ecstatic.
Now I would like to include the mine office after tomorrow when they get the map. Any suggestions?

Ok guys here it is: all 1st level

*Lorian Geiger Male CN Aasimar Sorcerer -noblemen son from across the continent. Mulhorandi. Sent to Manzorian, but is to busy so he sent him to Allustan.

*Kraven male elf monk LN -from the small village out side of the high forest. Kinda like hippies. Village got wiped out his family lost and sister never found. ( made the faceless one raze the village for bodies to experiment on. Filled with rage and not being able to cope. Got sent or went to the twighlight monastery.

*Tanamyr male Elf CN ranger- small village got ravaged by undead in a crag fissure. Eventually started to help the bronzewood lodge out.

*Garanna Velzer female CN Half-Orc Cleric of Tempus- raised by a blacksmith. Left for mercenary work with other half breeds. Found a cleric school and became a cleric. Went in search for battle stopped in diamond lake.

Thank you again. I think that I'll have a healing flasks in the map office. They need to sneak in and out. HE HE and they have no rogue to help them. This really gointo be a tough adventure. :P They are broke. Do you think that Allustan should give them 20-50 gold? For getting him the WC map? How do you subdue B.Mould? Doesn't cold or heat kill it? BTW We meet every thursday.
I'm afraid to suggest making back up Pc's. I don't think it will be well recieved and I and they have put so much time and effort in making brand new Pc after 10+ years. I've been a player on and off since 98'-99' and a GM in 2005 Now I'm getting into it hard core I think.
But I do like the idea that they know some people for the back up Pc. ^_^

Is there anything that I might be able to help them to survive WC? I thought of some how bringing up the Alchemist's fire to help with the acid beatles. Or Allustan mentioning something about equipment.
What do you mean by expanding on my earlier concept? Which one?
Thanks for the tip about Smenk I’ll do my best to have them hate him.
I'm still a Noob GM so I'm having a hard time knowing where I should focus my time and energy. With my personality I want to have everything so detailed I'm afraid that I'll never bre prepared and do a good job. Thanks for the post.

Ok guys here it is: all 1st level
Setting: Loosely Forgotten Realms/D&D Mags
*Lorian Geiger Male Aasimar Sorcerer -noblemen son from across the continent. Mulhorandi. Sent to Manzorian, but is to busy so he sent him to Allustan.
*Kraven male elf monk -from the small village out side of the high forest. Kinda like hippies. Village got wiped out his family lost and sister never found. ( made the faceless one raze the village for bodies to experiment on. Filled with rage and not being able to cope. Got sent or went to the twighlight monastery.
*Tanamyr male Elf ranger- small village got ravaged by undead in a crag fissure. Eventually started to help the bronzewood lodge out.
*Garanna Velzer female Half-Orc Cleric of Tempus- raised by a blacksmith. Left for mercenary work with other half breeds. Found a cleric school and became a cleric. Went in search for battle stopped in diamond lake.
Now I have the plan to get them together by having them be sneaky, sneaky to get the map for Allustan. Lorian is currently staying with Allustan. Allustan has requested the help of one of Izenfen’s pupils.(Kraven) Tanamyr has asked Allustan to identify a family heirloom. He is broke so in trade he asks him to help Lorian and Kraven. The trio now gathers information about the garrison and at night go to the feral dog. The make a bet with Tirra that she would dance if she lost.(Got to keep it Pg)LOL well I couldn’t believe it she lost. Fair and square here enters Garanna. She is approached by a punchy Lorian. The have something in common. Their both not from around here.
The map to the Whispering cairn is in the Chief cartographers office. (I’ve laid out the garrison full size on my Auto CAD so this will be neat.) Allustan gave then a few days to prepare. We shall see how successful the Pc’s will be in “acquiring” the Map.
I’ve typed up a full background in cooperation with my player for them. Don’t know if I’ll post then their like 1 to 1.5 pages.
Any suggestions are more than welcome ^_^

Thank you very much for your comments. ^_^ Any input helps. Things I haven't thought of yet. I like your idea about how to get some of the Pc's to roleplay getting together. I'm afraid that it isn't that important to them. but I will take your advice and Let you all know what happens in the session. Hopefully the ranger will be there.-_-

The northern group is now this"
Asimar Sorcerer 1st
Elf Monk
Bugbear cleric???? Weird I know (not sure how this will work -_-)
Elf Ranger

I've got the monk set up with the Twighlight monastery .
The Sorcerer is with Allustan.
The bug bear is semi affiliated with the garrison.
The elf ranger I’m going to try to be apart of the bronzewood lodge
We Start the adventure on the 4th.

I need Some suggestions and help on how to get these unlikely heroes together. This was my plan. Allustan has found out about the map that has the location of the whispering cairn. He Ask Izenfen to send a pupil to “acquire it”. Allustan sends the sorcerer to help. A little mini adenture before thi big one. Not sure about how to meet up with the others.
Also the group has decided to run it in forgotten realms. ^_^ My wife bought it for me for X-mas!
I’ll start a ne thread with a little back story on Pc’s and how I plan and how I actually do this. I think that I will Name the thread.” AoW DM’s 1st Big ONE

Thanks!! But sadly this player is no longer with us. It seems he is "done with the D&D scene".

Sweet idea! that is pretty slick.

I was thinking on how to get the Pc's together and I thought of making a festival day where there would enter a contest to between 2 groups of equal to how many are in the Pc's group. The trio and the pc group. The Goal ( not sure yet) is to amass a certain amount of wealth. Prize a ( haven’t figured that out yet) They have to go to two pre selected cairns and bring back an ancient Item(s) and have it appraise by the mayor Neff. In the end the Pc’s might lose to the trio, but the treasure and stuff they have taken from the whispering cairn has piqued Allustan’s interest. And approaches the PC’s.

Any feed back would be greatly appreciated!

Devastation hits!
We’ve lost a player in the “Northern” group the 5 man crew is now down to 4. No big deal to me but to them man the whole group plan is changed. LOL On the 28th of Dec we will finalize the Pc class and race.
The “local” Group will finish there Pc’s this sat. and hopefully begin.
Hey Thanx For the input I really appreciate it.

Now I have 2 groups playing the same adventure... Oh boy! What have I gotten myself into. I am going to start my local group this Saturday. (There the guinea pigs) all of the players aren’t done with there Pc creation yet which will delay the start a bit but whatever. So far the prep has been going well and I’ve developed a highlighting system to help me quick reference the material in the magazine.
“Local” Group is the one I’m about to start
Dwarven Bard 1
½ Elf Sorcerer 1
???? Cleric
???? Filler

“Northern”Group “ (the one I’m really exited about)
Has some up date on Pc creation
J-Human Palidan
M- ½ Drow/human Sorcerer Apprentice of Allusten he sees great potential in him(Seem reasonable?)
P- ½ Choand Bard not sure how this will work
S- Ranger Prolly Elf (no update)
D-Battle raging dwarf from 2nd ED.(no update)
Do you think trying to make 3D dungeons out of wood or MDF, and getting minis for each Pc is going a bit over board?
Any Idea's or suggestions on how to get them all together?

Thanks for the tips and thanks for the XL sheets.
I have a better Idea of what they want to play. One guy can't make up his mind. But most of them don’t want to grow up in the town. So now I have to figure out how to get them involved in the story. I’ll have to consult the pillow on this. The following are their Ideas. Until I have there PC name I’m labeling them in by the first letter of there name.

J-Dwarven war cleric, Human Palidan/monk. I know he wants to be right up in the heat of battle.
M-wants to play a Sorcerer. Race unknown. Most likely elf Apprentice of Allusten.
P- Wants to play a Bard Prolly a gnome
S- Ranger Prolly Elf
D-Battle raging dwarf from 2nd ED.
Any suggestions on how to incorporate them? Also does anyone know where I could get updated stats on the Battle raging class how to convert it?
I think I can do it with the help of page64 issue124. But I want to have the transition of there PC background concepts and history work. Thanks for all your helpful suggestion. The age will start soon.

Thanks for the helpful hint. I've been studying the backdrop of diamond lake, campaign overview, and reading the first adventure and wormfood.
So her is the Check list
1) have fun! (nervous laugh)
2)Know the story and where it goes.
3)Know the monsters and NPC's. Got it.

I ran the D&D day at the local store and everyone said they had fun. I wasn't so sure because one of the fights slowed down. to a screaching halt. thinking back I should have called for break. and come back in five.
New Question.
-How can you tell if the players are being honest and not being polite?
-any sugestions on avoiding drug down battles and what to do when that Happens?

I think that I'm talking too much(just let me know)so I'm going to stop thanks again!!

Noob DM here. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on preperation. You know things to save time or help things run smoother. Anything really.

I've downloaded all the free stuff ;) concerning the campaign.

When this goes down I'll keep you updated too. that might be fun. (I'm geeking way to much LOL)