Shoanti Tribeswoman

Mayumi Sasaki's page

36 posts. Alias of Viskous.

Grand Lodge

It's been over a year and Character and Role card creation still say coming soon. Anyone have any idea if this is ever going to happen?

What's the hold up?

Grand Lodge 5/5

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Join me in congratulating our favorite forum tengu on earning his fifth star! It is well deserved!

Congratulations Nefreet!

Grand Lodge

100 meter GM/∞


The hottest summer that Haldren has ever seen is invaded by snow suddenly!

Invitation only game

20 point buy
2nd level
1000 starting gold

Ranged dps covered
Annoying little evil gnome covered Really he is annoying and evil and covered (in poo)


Mange covered and nearly wasted away to nothing a panting dog, plods down the road. It heads toward the shade offered by the Border Wood. Finding little comfort in the forest as the heat of the blasting sun has reduced the wood to little more than dry kindling, the poor beast settles down to rest in the marginal shade. Several hours pass...

Suddenly out of the clear azure sky, snow begins to fall. The temperature drops drastically. The dog startled out of its siesta, rises and shakes the light dusting of snow from its coat, relishing the cold winds and falling snow. It moves deeper into the snowy Border Wood.

The iron shod wheels of a carriage roll by the abandoned snow drift...


“Close the door,” Ambrus Valsin murmurs as the team gathers in his office. “Let me start by saying, this mission is not for dissemination among other members of the Society.” The chamberlain of the Grand Lodge gives everyone a serious look in turn before continuing. “This mission is not an investigation, just a simple, straightforward assignment, but that makes it no less important.”

“I need you to book passage to the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, and cross over into Irrisen. You’re to head north and rendezvous with another team who have captured some—”Valsin pauses for a heartbeat before continuing. “—persons of interest. We have reason to believe that these individuals have information on the Shadow Lodge cells that are refusing to reconcile with the Society under Grandmaster Torch’s leadership.” Valsin’s expression becomes particularly grim at that point. “If these rogue cells are outright refusing amnesty, then they represent a clear threat to all of us. I need you to take charge of these captives and get them out of Irrisen safely and quietly. Once you’re clear of Irrisen, a larger extraction team will take custody of them and bring them in for questioning. Of course, we will cover the expense of your travel in full, and provide maps to lead you to the meeting point in Irrisen. Because of the nature of the mission and Irrisen itself, you’ll be meeting the other team in the field, away from what passes for civilization up there. The team you’ll be getting the prisoners from will show you the best route out of Irrisen, and the castellan of Trollheim has agreed to grant you passage through his lands. You are responsible for avoiding unexpected trouble between the handoff and Trollheim.”

Valsin gestures for the team to depart, but pauses, staring at his fireplace for a moment before adding, “Wait. You need to know this. Your prisoners will be goblins. The Shadow Lodge separatists made extensive use of the sadistic creatures as soldiers and servants, and as much as you may want to throttle them, please remember that we need them alive.” Then with a final nod for luck, the venture-captain dismisses the group.

You have time to ask a couple questions or make knowledge local or geography checks.


“Close the door,” Ambrus Valsin murmurs as the team gathers in his office. “Let me start by saying, this mission is not for dissemination among other members of the Society.” The chamberlain of the Grand Lodge gives everyone a serious look in turn before continuing. “This mission is not an investigation, just a simple, straightforward assignment, but that makes it no less important.”

“I need you to book passage to the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, and cross over into Irrisen. You’re to head north and rendezvous with another team who have captured some—”Valsin pauses for a heartbeat before continuing. “—persons of interest. We have reason to believe that these individuals have information on the Shadow Lodge cells that are refusing to reconcile with the Society under Grandmaster Torch’s leadership.” Valsin’s expression becomes particularly grim at that point. “If these rogue cells are outright refusing amnesty, then they represent a clear threat to all of us. I need you to take charge of these captives and get them out of Irrisen safely and quietly. Once you’re clear of Irrisen, a larger extraction team will take custody of them and bring them in for questioning. Of course, we will cover the expense of your travel in full, and provide maps to lead you to the meeting point in Irrisen. Because of the nature of the mission and Irrisen itself, you’ll be meeting the other team in the field, away from what passes for civilization up there. The team you’ll be getting the prisoners from will show you the best route out of Irrisen, and the castellan of Trollheim has agreed to grant you passage through his lands. You are responsible for avoiding unexpected trouble between the handoff and Trollheim.”

Valsin gestures for the team to depart, but pauses, staring at his fireplace for a moment before adding, “Wait. You need to know this. Your prisoners will be goblins. The Shadow Lodge separatists made extensive use of the sadistic creatures as soldiers and servants, and as much as you may want to throttle them, please remember that we need them alive.” Then with a final nod for luck, the venture-captain dismisses the group.

You have time to ask a couple questions or make knowledge local or geography checks.


Table 2
1. Dooley Tailor
2. Constantine Black
3. Greldon
4. Octavio Rook
5. Malkvian

Go ahead and begin any discussion you want.

I'll post my handling of some common table variations soon.

2nd table for my Frostfur game for PBP. Game is full.


Welcome to Table 1 -

1. Pellacia Aretta
2. Ben Sandlock
3. Marsk
4. Otom Orkbreaker
5. Cartmanbeck

Discuss yourselves.

How I handle common table variation stuff coming soon.

Grand Lodge 5/5

I have the bard and while I enjoy playing it, sometimes we need more non magic attack.

I've not met anyone in our area using either of these decks, we have a bunch of fighters and bards.

Any thoughts to help me decide?

The rogue deck lets you use Jirelle eventually, though the ranger sounds more combat effective.


A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Levels 1–5.

Tasked with escorting a group of goblin prisoners from their camp to civilization for interrogation by the Pathfinder Society, you must protect them not only from the beasts and hazards of the wilderness, but themselves.

Written by Jim Groves.

For 4-6 players.

Recruitment Thread here!

I might not check back here very often, so if you want to play, please make sure to follow the recruitment thread link above.

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Levels 1–5.

Tasked with escorting a group of goblin prisoners from their camp to civilization for interrogation by the Pathfinder Society, you must protect them not only from the beasts and hazards of the wilderness, but themselves.

Written by Jim Groves.


This scenario will be part of PbP Game Day #3, and will be starting on November 1, 2014.

This is a game for Pathfinder Society Organized play and players are required to have a legal PFS character and PFS number.

Daily posts required, will make allowances for weekends if needed.

More information about PFS PBP Gameday can be found here and here


Kaer Maga, the City of Strangers indeed. You've never seen so many wonders and horrors and different types of people. Ogres and undead walk the street, along with all manner of humans and humanoids. You've even seen Naga in the back alleys. The massive walls of this city are perplexing and frightening from the outside, and inside they are hundreds of feet thick and filled with tunnels and rooms which make up the majority of the city. The large areas in the city center are open to the sky and this is neutral zone in this fabulous city. The walled areas are strictly divided into areas controlled by various gangs and factions, but today you find yourself in Downmarket.

This may not only be the largest marketplace you've ever seen, it also seems to have anything and everything that could ever be sold in stock. The rarest of magical goods, the most holy or vilest unholy relics on display, weapons of the mightiest nature to the crappiest piece of metal tied to a stick with dog guts at a goblin merchant. Slaves, undead and living, as well as mystical beasts and the most common of work animals. Everything is available if you have the coin and desire.

You reflect on this frightening and exciting city, fingering a voucher for a free divination at the Augur Temple, as you wait in a curtained off area with five other people.
A half-elf clearly recently arrived with the dust of the road still clinging to him.
A young human with a hawk clinging to his shoulder.
A humongous lizardfolk warrior, clearly topping 7 feet tall.
A cute little female gnome with a very beatup and thoroughly used hammer.
A grizzled human man.
And a twitchy tengu, festooned with swords

The troll said the Augury would begin shortly and to have your question ready when they open the curtain...
Feel free to discuss whatever you like, I will progress the story tomorrow, for today you can post as much as you like while talking.


Welcome to discussion, lets use this thread to keep Out of character discussion, questions, and meta discussions.

This is a recruitment from an interest check. At this time not accepting unsolicited applications. This game is going to be slow and in initiative order for combats, where we ask that you only post on your turn.

Godsmouth Heresy is set in Kaer Maga, lots of weird humanoids make their home there. If weird race please make sure your back story makes sense and allows you to work with a party of adventures.

4-5 players max

20 point buy
150g Starting gold
No 3rd party

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4714.Arodus.19 9:00AM
The rest of the voyage to Torch is uneventful. At night, the buzzing hum of the boat's technology-infused engines push the boat against the current and lull you into restful sleep. Those of you who don't actually sleep still feel rested and refreshed. You arrive a couple hours after dawn ready to head into town and find out what is going on. As you disembark, the captain of the ship informs you that there won't be much river travel for at least three or four days, so you are basically stuck here until the next boat makes it to town.

As there are no docks in town, you are dropped off at the widening of the river near the base of the hill.

Map of Torch

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Hello and welcome to the discussion thread.

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“The boat leaves in ten minutes!” shouts a burly sailor. “Last run to Torch for the day!”
You want to be on that boat, this is your chance to get a jump on other adventuring crews that are vying for the rewards for solving the mystery of the flame going out. A large amount of gold pieces are on offer to the group who can rekindle the flames atop Black Hill!

All day you have been hearing rumors and outrageous claims of the catastrophe in Torch. “The Technique League put out the fire so they could destroy torches economy.” “The flame got so violent that it wiped Torch of the face of Numeria.” Finally, a barge with a cryer arrived in Hajoth Hakados, with genuine news, “The flame has gone out and there is a huge reward for whoever can fix it!”

Recruiting for Iron Gods AP

This will be my first play by post as a GM. I’m newish to play by post. I am currently a player in a PBP, to see an example of my playing(Vitreous “Darling" Drimplegatto). I have recently finished running an in person Rise of the Runelords (we will start Iron Gods soon) and will be GMing this concurrently with that group. Shared prep will help keep me on task.

Posting should be once a day. Once general gameplay gets started, I’d like to keep it to no more than 3 posts a day. Too much more can be overwhelming and confusing. I am PST and will usually post mid morning. We’ll talk about other posting stuff in the discussion thread once we get going.

I‘m tired of the min/max mindset that is so pervasive in regular play; so for the people that are selected, good characterization will be more important. With that said, I don’t want a massive backstory, a paragraph is good. It should include a reason for being in Numeria and what motivates your character. Along with your character info please respond in character to the above prompt.

I am looking for 4-5 players total. 2 slots are reserved for now. One of these slots thinks they will be a gunslinger.

Build rules:
Paizo only materials (if I don’t have the book, be prepared to get me the info. link to Archives of Nethys for example )
Races are fairly open (explain in your application how unusual races will work in town and in general with "good" and "lawful" townfolk)
Alignment - no chaotic neutral, evil is an option though. (You need to explain how that will work. You can PM me about it if you’d rather keep it secret from the group.)
Advanced class guide is ok.

15 point buy
Max Hp first level, ½ HP on additional
2 traits from the regular sources
A bonus campaign trait from the players guide or People of the Rivers version of it.
Average starting gold
Crafting feats will be allowed (I can’t guarantee time for crafting, haven’t read it yet.)
Leadership (discuss with GM around lvl 7) and menagerie characters will be ok.

And finally, I will close applications on August 12th and make formal roster announcement on August 14th, the official release date of the AP!

Grand Lodge

I was lucky enough to get into this gaming session, really looking forward to it. Having some difficulty deciding on a character to bring.

Initially I was going to bring Captain Lodewijk Vylder, a dwarf corsair(fighter)3/pistolero(gunslinger)1, and his first mate Koza Cabrahijo (Standard non combat goat)

then I thought that we might need a cleric so, Esmee Drimplegatto Gnome Cleric of Brigh 4 with Earth and Fire domains may be ready for adventure.

If anyone else is scheduled to participate in that session and want to comment or share their character plans so we can have a balanced party.

Grand Lodge

I've been reading the material about the Mana Wastes and Alkenstar. Having trouble with the actual geography.

The map and text generally have Martel West of Alkenstar on the river. The text generally refers to the City of Alkenstar being at the top of the waterfall of the Ustradi River. Most of the text refer to Martel being at the bottom of the same falls.

Now the problem. The river flows North East, if Martel is West of Alkenstar how can it be at the bottom of the falls?

Grand Lodge 5/5

When reviewing the retrain rules about archetypes to non archetype, the rules state you spend 5 days unlearning the replaced feature. However with the Shaman archetype the features aren't replaced they are just modified. The first ability that mentions replacement is the 5th level Totemic Summons which replaces an ability you don't get til 13th.

So if you are level 4 is there no cost to retrain since you haven't replaced anything?

Or must you pay to adjust the modified abilities and any replaced abilities as well as totemic transformation?

Or you would just pay to remove totemic transformation?

I believe there should be a cost, but what is the appropriate cost especially in regards to PFS.

Grand Lodge 5/5

According to the podcast, it appears that the sanctioned Adventure Path system is successful with both "module" mode and home game mode. I know that I've gotten two chronicles for Burnt Offerings and one for Shattered Star book 1, that I enjoyed playing and GMing an AP and will continue to do so.

Would it be possible to adjust the Sanctioned Module play to mirror the home game style of play offered with the Sanctioned Adventure Paths, while still providing the current method of module play?

Grand Lodge 5/5

I work in a library and am getting ready to run a Role Playing program at my branch. I heard this program was to be debuted at ALA Midwinter which was this last weekend. I'm very excited about this, as I am a regular pathfinder society player and GM, and the society program really helps narrow down the options and creates a more level playing field.

When can I get more information? Is there anything an avid pathfinder and library staff person can do to help? Is there a "beta" process and can I be part of it?