Maximillian of Nis's page

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Sorry man,

I go my Pathfinder today, but no Gazatteer. Do you guys have a goblin problem?

So the kids are back in school and being a teacher that means things have gotten rather hectic. I finally sat down to read the final Dragon (sigh) when I see my name in the letters column. Quite a surprise given that I had not written in to Scale Mail.

I am very pleased and excited to be on of the winners of the GameMastery Giveaway contest. My wife nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the "YAH!!!" from the back porch. I cannot wait to recieve the bag of swag.

Thank you very much.

BTW - I also had time to check out Pathfinder. Very nice...I'm definitely using the "Monster in the Closet" scene. Keep on rockin' with your bad selves boyz!!