Eagle Knight

Max Deverell's page

289 posts. Organized Play character for AGamer70.


Male Human Ghost Operative 3 | SP 0/21 : HP 22/22 : RP 4/4 | EAC 14 : KAC 15 | F +2 : R +6 : W +3 | Init +9 | Percep +8, Darkvision 60' (IR scanners)

About Max Deverell

Max Deverell
Male Human Operative (Ghost) 3
Init +9; Senses Darkvision (60’)(armor upgrade); Perception +8

SP 24, HP 22, RP 4
EAC 14, KAC 15
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3

Speed 40 ft.
Ranged Semi-auto pistol(tactical) +6 (1d6+1) (R 30’) (10 explosive bullets)
Ranged Static Arc pistol +6 (1d6+1(electrical/stun)) (R 50’) (20 charges) (Called fusion)
Melee Tactical Baton +5 (1d4+1)
Melee Survival Knife +5 (1d4+1)
Special Attacks Trick Attack 1d8 (DC 20 + CR) (Stealth +1)

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 13
Base Atk +2
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Small arms),
Other Abilities: Evasion, Weapon Specialization, +10 quick movement
Operative Exploits: Uncanny Mobility
Skills Skill Acrobatics +11, Athletics +7, Bluff +10, Computers +9, Culture +8, Engineering +9, Intimidate +9, Mysticism +3, Perception +8, Piloting +12, Profession (Smuggler) +7, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +14
Languages Common, Castrovelian, Vercite, Ysoki
Other Gear Second Skin Armor, Starfinder Backpack, Bullets (27), Explosive Bullets (20), Comm unit, Flashlight, kit (Trapsmith’s), kit (Engineering), kit (hacking), 1 Week field rations, Hygiene kit, Professional’s Clothes, regular clothes, mark 1 healing serum (2), gear maintenance kit, UPB (5), Canteen, Mess kit, rope (50’), Starstone compass, Tool kit (Smuggler), Infrared sensors armor upgrade, Credstick (2577 credits)

Temporary items:

Current Boons:

Ally: Acquainted with Datch
Faction: Acquisitives
Social: Live Air Celebrity

All Boons:

Ally: Acquainted with Datch
Social: AbadarCorp Acquaintance (Respect), Live Air Celebrity, Savior of the Scoured Stars
Slotless:True Savior of Tasch (ooooo)
Other: Honorbound Allies (Ally or Starship)


Starfinder Society 4
Acquisitives: 6 Reputation (Tier 0)
Dataphiles: 0 Reputation (Tier 0)
Exoguardians: 0 Reputation (Tier 0)
Second Seekers (Jadnura): 1 Reputation (Tier 0)
Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo): 1 Reputation (Tier 0)
b]Second Seekers (Ehu):[/b] 1 Reputation (Tier 0)
Wayfinders: 3 Reputation (Tier 0)


# 106385-702
XP: 6
Fame: 12

Fugitive on the Red Planet (#1-02): +1 XP, +2 Fame, +719 (+50 day job) credits, Reputation: +2 Acquisitives
Cries from the Drift (#1-04): +1 XP, +2 Fame, +714 (+50 day job) credits, Reputation: +2 Wayfinders
Pact World Warriors (#2-01): +1 XP, +2 Fame, +696 (+50 day job) credits
Fate of Scoured God (#2-00): +1 XP, +6 Fame, +720 (+36 day job) credits, Reputation: +2 Acquisitives, +1 Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo), +1 Second Seekers (Jadnura)
The Last Bite (#3-00): +1 XP, +2 Fame, +720 (+48 day job) credits, Reputation: +2 Acquisitives, +1 Second Seekers (Ehu)
Frozen Ambitions (#3-09): +1 XP, +? Fame, + 684 (+32 day job) credits, Reputation: +2 Acquisitives

Item Tracking:

#1: Used: 2 bullets || Spent: Tool kit (Smuggler) (20), Infrared sensors armor upgrade (200)
#2: Used: 1 bullet || Spent: n/a
#3: Used: 9 bullets || Spent: Static Arc pistol (750)
#4: Used: 21 bullets || Spent: n/a
#5: Used: 3 bullets || Spent: Starfinder backpack (675 w/ Assistance from Zo! Boon)
#6: Used: none || Spent: Called fusion (lvl 2)(360), 30 Explosive Bullets (60)


Lvl 1: Feats (Weapon Focus (Small Arms), Improved Initiative), Skills (Bluff, Computers, Culture, Engineering, Perception, Piloting, Profession (Smuggler), Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Survival), HP +10 (+4 race +6 class), STA +7 (+6 class +1 con)
Lvl 2: +1 BAB, +1 R, +1 W, Evasion, Exploit (Uncanny Mobility), Skills (Athletics, Bluff, Computers, Engineering, Intimidate, Medicine, Mysticism, Perception, Piloting, Sense Motive), HP +6, STA +7 (+6 class +1 con)
Lvl 3: +1 BAB, +1 F, +1 Operative’s Edge, +10 quick movement, Trick attack +1d8, Weapon Specialization, Skills (Athletics, Bluff, Computers, Culture, Engineering, Intimidate, Perception, Piloting, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand), Language: Ysoki, HP +6, STA +7 (+6 class +1 con)

Dice Rolls:

[dice=Sleight of Hand]1d20+11[/dice]
[dice=Sense Motive]1d20+8[/dice]
[dice=Profession (Smuggler)]1d20+7+4[/dice]

[dice=Fort save]1d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Reflex save]1d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Will save]1d20+3[/dice]

[dice=Trick attack (stealth)]1d20+14[/dice] [ooc](DC 20 + target's CR) Success = Extra damage and flat-footed[ooc]

[dice=Ranged attack vs EAC (static arc pistol)]1d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Damage (E)]1d6+1[/dice]