Matthew Tiffany 53's page

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Does Dungeon need to provide an EVIL set adventure. No, of course not, especially for the reason provided that any adventure can be easily modified to satisfy an evil bent. As a DM, I would not even have to change the adventure beyond solidifying the motivation behind the PC's actions in relation to the big picture of the campaign being run.
A good/neutral PC may defeat an evil sorcerer to defeat evil, protect those that are threatened and perhaps a bit of treasure. An evil/neutral PC may defeat the same sorcerer to gain power (through secrets (treasure, knowledge etc) gained, who cares about those that may have been threatened and perhaps a bit of treasure. Of course we can always make the evil sorcerer a goodly cleric but is not neccesarily needed.
Personally, I like the idea of running an evil campaign or playing an evil PC once in awhile, it shakes things up a bit and expands my own abilities in role playing and/or DMing. Fun, Fun, Fun. Thats what its all about, right?
Maybe an article by an experienced DM who can provide different ideas to new players and Dms on how to convert an adventure or create an evil PC and/or adventure would be ideal.