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![]() Hi guys, I see that the FFG reprint of the 30th Anniversary of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game is now available on your site. It's even hit my FLGS. However, it is still in my sidecart, and didn't attach to my most recent subscription Order. Could someone please look at this for me? With thanks, Matt ![]()
![]() Hi guys, I have an extensive PDF library here at Paizo. Apparently through the Partner Account syncronisation process, the FG store should be able to detect the purchases I have here for applying discounts on the products in their store. They say all is 'hunky dorey' ( or OK ) on their end. Can someone please check the process on this side with my account to make sure that it is functional? With thanks, ![]()
![]() Hey guys, I know authorisation is due to commence in about 24-48 hours, but could someone check that my Order 3478840 (with Iconics Minis #2 & #3) are likely to roll into this month's subscriptions? I was hoping that Iconics #2 would have come with last month's subscriptions, but alas, that was not to be. With thanks, FabioMatt ![]()
![]() Hey guys, Your post about low volume items generated a panic buy response in me. So I bought / sidecarted a large volume of items. It didn't generate an Order # and therefore I am concerned that I may miss out if you run out of stock before subscription time rolls around again. If that is a distinct possibility, kindly let me know and I shall arrange for it to be shipped straight away. EDIT! - Found an Order # for it. Order # 3493374 - Will that mean my items will be reserved and protected from the Goblin Hordes? With thanks, ![]()
![]() Hey guys, Strange things are happening with my Order #3425610 The Order tells me that both packages have shipped, but the second of the packages has my subscription items in it, doesn't appear to have been paid for. Nor do those subscription items appear in "My Downloads". Could someone please check this? With thanks, F! ![]()
![]() Hey guys, Something appears borked with My Account Page. I can access My Downloads, My Subscriptions and the general My Account page. But anytime I attempt to view My Order History, it goes directly to the confirm login page, and despite multiple CORRECT attempts, it still cycles back to that login screen without ever letting me see (even for a split second) my Order History. Is this site wide or a bug just for me? ![]()
Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Hey guys, I jumped on the sale yesterday after the website maintenance period and ordered a metric bucketload of AP modules and other modules including: Skull & Shackles #1 and The Shackled City Adventure Path Hardcover I ordered them and put them in my sidecart to ship with my subscriptions which I believe would hit authorisation within 12 hours of my Order going through. They were both 'in stock' when I ordered. Checking My Account today, the above two items have been pushed back to shipping with a future subscription, not the next one, and when I check individually on those two items on your website, they are now listed as 'out of stock / out of print'. Does this mean that because I chose to sidecart these items that I have missed out on them? Honestly, I'll be disappointed if that is the case. I do also realise that you guys would have been inundated with Orders upon the announcement of the sale and the system couldn't keep up inventory calculations with everything being processed so quickly. Please let me know. Matt ![]()
Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Hey guys, I was just checking my CC account and noticed that the authorisation for Order 3282354 has gone. The Order hasn't shipped yet, according to my account. Is there a problem? The reason that I ask if there is a problem is that the other Order listed about #3199693 had one book cancelled without anyone bothering to email me (or contact me in any other fashion) about it. The Book was the incredibly hard to find Kingmaker #4 AP book. Looking forward to hearing from you, ![]()
Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Hi guys, I've had this Order in the "Pending" Status for a couple of weeks. When I ordered it, it was on 'backorder'. Now it is pending, but the items is referred to being 'out of print'. Did I order the last one? Will it be coming? With thanks, Matt ![]()
Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Hey guys, This is an issue ENTIRELY on my OWN making. I pledged at the Crowdforger Pioneer level, giving me access to the PDFs of the Flip Mats and the Emerald Spire Super Dungeon. I'm essentially kicking myself that I didn't spend the money on the RPG Print Pack Add-on. So to solve that I am going to pre-order the Print version of the module. Coolies, happy to do so. However, because I am a Pathfinder Module subscriber, and due to your generosity regarding such subscriptions, I will be entitled to an additional copy of the PDF. I was wondering if it were at all possible to 'gift' my second copy of the PDF to someone else? With thanks, Matt ![]()
Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Hey guys, I just added the Player Companion subscription and asked it to start with the Undead Slayer's Handbook. I just checked "My Subscriptions" page and it would seem that I am going to be sent 'Champions of Balance', which, while I am sure is a worthy book, I was not intending to start my subscription with. Give that the order spawn should occur within the next 24 hours, could you please check that my Order won't include 'Champions of Balance' but will include Undead Slayer's Handbook and the Alchemy Manual. With thanks, Matt ![]()
![]() Hi guys, At checkout, *I* failed to include the 12thMan promotional code, thus depriving my order of the 12% discount. This Order contains not only an ongoing Adventure Path subscription, but also quite a few books, and other subsequent orders folded into it when I realised that I hadn't ordered everything that I should have to get my DM'ing properly underway. I notice that the Order remains in a 'Pending' state, although my online credit card statement indicates a tentative hold for those funds. Could the code please be applied to my Order prior to it being finalised? Looking forward to hearing from you, Matt |