Matt S.'s page

Organized Play Member. 116 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Sovereign Court

I just received my copy of UC in the mail today, and began working on a plan to add the Dimensional series of feats to my Magus. My idea was to get to level 10 as a Magus (in order to get forth level spells) and then finish off with two levels of fighter using bonus feats to pick up Dimensional Assault and Dimensional Dervish as my level 12 capstone...

However, just as I was patting myself on the back for my ingenuity, I realized that none of the Dimensional feats are Combat feats. So I'm back to square one. I've racked my brain over it, and I'm pretty sure it's impossible for to get Dimensional Dervish by level 12 with a straight up Magus. The best I could come up with is some combination involving 7 levels of wizard.

So does anyone else have any ideas on how to make my spellstriking teleporting dream come to fruition?