Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym says nothing on the long trip back to the Fearsome Tide, though Midge can see this last excursion has clearly taken a toll on the young man. While much of it can be attributed to the aftereffects of the spider venom, she can see the effects of the nobleman's betrayal had on his spirit. "I will be happy to be back in Absalom, Sister. That was one of the most difficult assignments I have ever dealt with...even counting the time I was captured by those derro." Masym shakes his head, his tone haggard. "I think I need to recover for some time Midge, but once I feel up to par I look forward to taking the mantle for freedom." When Fifi brings out her bathing suit, his eyes widen briefly but he averts his gaze quickly. "I think I will skip the swim Fifi," then a thought occurs to him, "Wait a moment, I thought your kind did not like the water." ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() I'll be continuing with PF1 and I am dipping my toes into both SFS and PF2E...not doing PFS2 as of yet, maybe down the road. Hope to catch you in another game soon! ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym sees Midge return and nods in response. "Good job," he adds jerking a thumb to the front of the house. "Time to go." In a Brendan Fraser accent of course :P ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym interrupts his search when he hears Marcus' request to help set up the crime scene. "Good thing he tossed that Fireball spell earlier...it will make it easier to disguise our tracks." He grunts, "I miss the days when we knew the enemy we needed to kill." Take 10 for Survival, total 21 for Chalfon's tracks here. If Masym cannot Take 10 here then here is his roll: Survival: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 9 + 2 = 28 ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Midge did you also use a couple of CLW charges as well? As Masym briefly chokes on the healing fluid he sees his Sister gazing at him with a look of concern mixed with relief. "Aye...thank ye again fer saving my life Midge," MAsym smiles at her before struggling to his feet. Seeing the fact Chalfon was spared caused a dark look to appear in his eyes but nods grudgingly at Marcus' explanation. "I suppose yer right..." When Fifi offers her prayer at the man he shakes his head slowly his eyes filled with certainty. "When I was taught to fight against the forces of the Tyrant, I was taught to distrust any signs of mercy shown by our enemy. They knew to use our own strengths against us." He stares at the unconscious form of Chalfon before turning to face Fifi, "I don't think he is that different than one who follows the Tyrant's teachings." He adds, before turning to walk away and help Londo find the letters they sought. ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym continues to move up cutting off Dalsine's escape route, and driving the tip of his sword into his stomach. Move to map position. Acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 11 - 2 = 14
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym is not bothered in the slightest at jumping over the railing despite the lingering effects of the spider venom, and proceeds to jump down after the man! Acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 11 - 2 = 10 OOF!
Since he is prone after that he will spend his second action getting to his feet. ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() AoO MW Longsword, bless, studied: 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 1 + 2 = 30; damage: 1d8 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 2 = 8
Masym strikes hard at the man, drawing more blood. "I've heard that line before," He comments as he continues his attack. MW Longsword, bless, studied: 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 8 + 1 + 2 = 19; damage: 1d8 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 2 = 10
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym glances down to where Midge is casting her spells. You may need to pull me out of the fire again Sister... he thinks as he steps forward and swings at Chalfion! 5' Step.
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() "Sonofa..." Masym rolls away from the flames by instinct. Bastard is a freaking mage! Now seeing the man is out for blood Masym promised him to repay in kind as he sprints across the balcony moving to engage the mage. Double move. EDIT: I was wondering about that...Reflex save DC 18: 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 9 - 2 = 25 ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym continues his advance here waving his sword around threateningly, "Glad yer enjoying yourself. Now give it up. Yer game ends now." While Masym knew Chalsine would ignore his command, he had a different purpose here... Vanguard’s Bond (Ex): As a move action, he can choose one of his current studied targets and grant a +1 bonus against that target to all allies within 30 feet who can see or hear him. This bonus lasts for 2 rounds. This bonus does not stack with any favored enemy or studied target bonuses possessed by his allies; they use whichever bonus is higher. ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() As Masym sees the head roll next to his feet he grits his teeth trying to keep from losing control. "Time to fix him instead!" Miss those days up north, at least there you KNEW who the enemy was! He thinks as he hustles into the room, fixing his own glare on the nobleman. Move to map position. Use Study Target on Chalsine. ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym takes a position next to Londo, his sword drawn. "Let's do it." Took the liberty of positioning everyone on the map. ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() "Or get their focus of bloodshed on us," Masym grunts as he follows Londo down the hall. ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Now that Masym is his normal size again he quickly moves off to try finding a way inside. Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym grunts as he moves to cut off the worg. "Sit...DOWN!" Move to map position.
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym is a bit startled to see himself grow in size but doesn't let that slow him down. He quickly moves to engage the remaining worg, taking advantage of Fifi to flank it. Move to map position.
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym wastes no time here drawing his sword and moving to engage the evil wolf. "Over here pup!" He taunts it trying to pull their attention to the bigger threat. Why the hells are wolves guarding this place anyway? He then stabs hard at the wolf! Move to map position, draw sword.
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Sweet Midge, and congrats! Looking forward to playing in that scenario down the road :D EDIT: OOOHHHhhh Quests...even betteah! ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() I remember those quite well EM+GM :D Masym nods in agreement with Marcus, "The less time for any guard dogs to scent us out here the better." He then moves away from the entrance of the hedge maze looking for any sign of tracks, canine tracks to be specific. Stealth: 1d20 + 11 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 11 - 2 = 12
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Thankfully Climb is STR based he he. Masym grunts as he attempts to shimmy up the wall... Climb: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 ...failing it he tries again... Climb: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26 ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() "On it." Masym quickly leads the others away from the front gate and looks for a suitable place to ascend the wall. Looking for the easiest place to scale the wall. Once to the top of the gate he will foirst scan for guard then secure a rope for the others.
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() "Charming...sure." Masym grunts. "We will need a diversion to get over that wall. Good thing I have rope." ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Seeing the diplomatic option going nowhere Masym quietly looks around for another way to enter the manor. Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14 ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() "Well, that went about as I expected," Masym grimaces, "We may need to try something...else here." ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() On discovering the fact the Sarenites were holding onto the means to cure the poison damage before encountering Akkuret it took most of his willpower to keep quiet. Still he grudgingly admitted the Pathfinders would have been lost without their help. Still I am glad to be rid of them... He gratefully takes both potions here, downing the restoration potion... Restore DEX damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3 Masym gains 3 DEX back "Nope, the days are long in Taldor Marcus....sad to say." ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() "We need to get out of here NOW," Masym interrupts the Sarenites, his patience clearly running out. "Let us worry about Dalsine. You worry about getting out of Taldor." Despite Midge's attentions (which earn her a smile) he staggers to his feet moving to the entrance of the temple. "Get yer things, we are leaving." ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym staggers slightly as he still feels the effect of the blood loss. Shaking off the fatigue he slowly moves over to retrieve his sword. Cleaning it with an old piece of cloth he sheathes it and secures his spear as well, before moving to examine the corpses for any valuable items. Take 10 on Perception, total 19. "You can return now, the threat has been dealt with." He announces to the Sarenites. "These...faceless stalkers may have been working with the guards though so we had best keep moving." ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym glares at the faceless stalker and moves to quickly cut off its escape route, seeing it entangled he changes tactics at the last moment and stabs it, hoping to finish it off! Move to map position. Taking the long way to avoid AoO. Use Study Action as immediate action.
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Seeing his companions keeping the traitor faceless stalker busy Masym takes a few precious seconds to take care of his wounds. Move: Draw Potion.
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Welcome back Midge! I hope I did not botch your botting too bad :P. PS: Please deduct 1 2nd level and 1 1st level spell from your spells per day. ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Roger Roger... If Mibosk is still standing...:
Midge continues to duck around Marcus trying to present as small a target as possible. She draws a wand from her belt and sends a magical bolt into Mibosk. Use Wand of Magic Missile on Mibosk. Force damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 If Mibosk is down...:
Midge continues to duck around Marcus trying to present as small a target as possible. She places her hands together, as if in prayer. With a few chanted words, she moves each hand around in it's own arc, drawing circles in the air. A wave of gently glowing light –– that disappears a moment later –– surges out from Midge, filling her companions with a divine blessing. Cast Bless on her companions. Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear. "Masym, I have never heard of, what...a faceless stalker? How do we stop them?" ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym grunts in displeasure at the loss of his sword, but doesn't let that slow him down. Reaching behind his back to pull his spear out he wastes no time thrusting it at Mibosk!. Move: Draw Spear.
"Gods damned Faceless Stalkers! Why don't you crawl back to the Pit that spawned you!!" ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Botting Midge... Midge leaps to her feet and sees that Masym is slow to respond to the attack from the strange humanoids. Seeing he is faltering she calls upon one of her more powerful spells here, chanting as she draws a spiral in the air in front of her, then makes a fist and punches it through the spiral! A massive snowball flies at the monster Mibosk grappling Masym! Attack snowball RT: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12; cold damage: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 4, 1) = 14 ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() EM±GM wrote: I'm assigning Masym as official Midge-botter, whilst she is occupied elsewhere! No worries EM+GM. I'll need to look over her sheet but I should be able to post something later this evening :) ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() I have just about had it up to here with being backstabbed... Masym grunts in fury as he tries to break free of the supernaturally strong teenager. Must be the same race as the other ones... Move: Use Study Action on Mibosk.
"Don't just stand there...get him off of me!" Masym yells at the Sarenites. It is not like Masym to call for assistance like this but something tells me we are gonna need all the help we can get here....EDIT NVM. Useless NPCs.... Knowlwdge Dungeoneering: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 PS: Masym never got fully healed from the previous encounter so he is currently at -29 hp. ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() On hearing Kioshi's accusation Masym leaps to his feet, his muscle fatigue forgotten (temporarily). Drawing his blade he advances threateningly towards Akkuret. "If I was looking to betray the Sarenites I would wait until they are all gathered on one spot...with only one exit. Easy enough to trap the lot of us!" ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() When Fifi confides in him the evil nature of the Sarenite priest, he snorts in amusement. "Fifi, the world has more shades of grey than your teachings espouse. If he is a living person then give him a chance to explain himself." He whispers to her under his breath. Now there is two of us EM-GM :D ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym slowly settles into one of the pews moving quite stiffly. Nodding gratefully to Midge as she hands him his pack he arranges it so he can stretch out fully on one of the longer pews. "Not interested in your commentary Akkuret. Tell us what this Dalsine has been up to." He says in a curt tone. ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym gives the Sarenites a nod of greeting, "It is good to meet all of you." Sighing wearily as he rubs the aching in his muscles away from the lingering effects of the spider's venom he knew only rest would cure his ills. Hope these Sarenites have a plan. Those guards will make their way here...eventually. ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym nods weakly as Kioshi assists him here, quickly downing an antitoxin before the poison grows any worse. #1 Fort save DC 21: 1d20 + 6 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 6 + 5 = 26
Thankfully due to Kioshi's help Masym is able to fight through the poison, though he still looks dreadfully weak. ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Fort save DC 21: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 Failed: Masym is now at DEX 10. Masym feels the poison coursing through his veins but doesn't allow it to distract him as he directs his companions to take down the giant spider! Move: Use Study Target on spider.
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() HOLY S**T! I think I would have preferred the ghasts, at least you can smell them coming! I hope you guys don't mind if Masym sits this one out. He currently has 5 hp. Fort save #1 DC 21: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
And he is now -6 DEX. OKay have fun guys. It is all Masym can do to stumble out of the combat area, his face weak fro poison and loss of blood. Withdraw. No AoO due to Careful Combatant trait. ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Knowledge (dungeoneering): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16 Masym concentrates on the path ahead making sure there were no recent tracks to indicate the presence of danger down here. Survvial: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17 ![]()
Active Conditions:
Resources: Male Human Slayer 6 (Vanguard archetype) HP 55/55 | AC 21 , T 15, FF 16 | F: +7, R: +10, W: +4 | CMD 22 | Perc. +10 | Init. +4
Bolts 17/20, Cold-Iron bolts 10/10, Silver bolts 10/10 ![]() Masym shakes his head here at Londo, "We don't have the time for this. No telling how long this dead-fall will delay them. Let's move."