Master Solail's page
14 posts. Organized Play character for Lormyr.

With a respectful bow and a warm smile, Solail turns to regard Ozymandias.
"I must beg your forgiveness, young master. I did not intend for my hushed conversation with Lady d'Apcher to detract from the conversation regarding your proposal. I am quite certain that simply "Solail" will do.", he speaks earnestly.
At mention of his reputation, he regards you with a very sincere hope and respect, though he seems far more occupied with your own person than your praise of his deeds.
"You have traveled roads of the soul far my treacherous than myself, young master. I do not possess the knowledge of all that you have endured, but it is known to me that you discovered your own grace where none was to be offered. There is a strength of purpose within you that I deeply hope to see harnessed and directed for the people of Golarion with the same grace you wisely allowed yourself."
He seems slightly uncomfortable when compared to the divine, but maintains his composure well, and politely moves forward from the comment he believes was meant as compliment.
"The winds herald a time of change, and with their breeze so too has our Pathfinder Society been touched. Our factions reinvent their identity and discover new purpose, and with them so too must we reflect upon our own purpose. I seek only to enlighten myself of the purpose of our new factions, and stride in step where a shared path may best provide for our world and those who inhabit it."

Well, I am of the belief that there is multiple valid interpretations of what precisely it could mean. My personal view is that within your chosen faction, Fame represents how much esteem and influence you have within that faction. Outside of your faction, I feel it simply represents how well known the character and their exploits are to the general populace, but does not necessary carry with it the esteem and influence it does within your faction. I believe the absolute max for PFS is 116, which in my opinion would pretty much make a PC hugely prolific on their home continent, and at least known of outside of it. Just my two cents on the topic.
The planetouched monk acknowledges Lady d'Apcher's generous words with a kind smile.
"Many might say that such esteemed words were more suited for yourself, my Lady, and I would be inclined to agree. The Sovereign Court appears poised for reformation, and it is my hope that they shall heed example of the cautious diplomacy that your legacy has set."
Extremely slim chance he might succeed at that, so let's see what happens!
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 41 ⇒ (8) + 41 = 49
Not this time. :)

The figure has sat within the hall of the round table in silent contemplation of the discussion, his presence having gone with little notice or concern among the others sitting in. He is a slight man with a wiry build, wearing a carefully maintained monk's attire and simple rice hat. On the whole, he is quite unremarkable in appearance or force of presence, aside from his obvious but slight angelic heritage and the two-dozen ioun stones embedded into the flesh of his arms and chest in patterns of arcane or religious significance.
"Thank you for your hospitality, Lady d'Apcher. I would be pleased to share in your tea."
As the Lady provides the quiet monk with his portion, a warm smile crosses his face, and he regards her with a fond and impressed demeanor.
"Ahh, a karyukai tea set! This is a most pleasant development. Such heirlooms are rare in my home of Tian Xia, let alone so far west. You have been given two very precious gifts, my Lady - both in the tea set itself, but more so in the respect of the Tianer who instructed you in our old traditions."
Without great commotion, he rises to sit across from you respectfully, coming to rest upon his knees. With a bow in demonstration of his host's gratitude, he kindly receives your offered cup traditionally. Awaiting your first sip, he then sips his own, as a simple but warm smile adorns his face.

Eric Saxon wrote: Master Solail, talk didn't work with Geb, when he set out on his path and Pharasma's Faithful will not gamble with another nation's soul by attempting it. It is our experience that it only takes one loose degenerate, to destroy a nation.
When you or others like you, are able to put an end to the Whispering Tyrant, as well as, Geb and his Harlot Queen, we'll be more than willing to consider a revision of our policies towards all other necromancers. Until then, one Geb is more than plenty. Everyone else, burns.
If you'd like to save lives, talk to them before we find them. Or destroy Geb and the Lich known as Arazni the Harlot Queen of Geb.
I'm sorry that I cannot be more diplomatic but my brethren are dying on a daily basis, running rescue operations into Geb. Its hard for us to speak of tolerance when we send young men and women to their possible deaths, all caused by one monster.
"Forgive me, brother, as the heart of the matter I was referring too was specifically towards those necromancers within our own ranks in the Society, such as the Pathfinder you threatened with destruction. I had not intention too nor did I speak of Geb, and I offer humble apologies if there was misunderstanding upon the subject of my words."
"On the matter of Geb, I am aware of the status of that nation, and I am not unsympathetic to your thoughts regarding the place. I shall offer you the words of a wise scholar whom I have admired for more than a century: He who fights with monsters might take care that he himself does not become one, for when you stare long into the Abyss the Abyss gazes also into you."
"It is not only life versus undeath that separates us, but compassion and mercy versus cruelty and hate."
Venture-Captain Solail
Former Master of the Lantern Lodge
Monk 19

Eric Saxon wrote: Master Solail, you only care about your own soul and its enlightenment, an attitude I’m sure you think is the height of generosity. I concern myself with the well being of the flock. And like a good shepherd I am ready to do violence, when wolves come sniffing around. Perhaps it would be best if you’d travel to Geb and look at how living, breathing, sentient human beings are used before you speak to me of tolerating human leeches on a path to becoming inhuman monsters. (ooc: See: "You Only Die Twice." (scenario) or read one of the free short stories published about Geb, to get the real feel for the place. It’s essentially a human nation turned into a cattle ranch, so that the undead can eat their fill. It's a carnival of crimes against humanity.) "I experience confusion, brother. I am uncertain how you have concluded that I care only for my own by soul by my advocation that attempting to teach and guide those who are lost towards a purer way of life rather than simply..."cleanse" their spirit with death could be thought of as concern for myself alone."
"Your concerns are not unfounded. I say only that it is more purifying to make attempt to help those who are "on a path to becoming inhuman monsters" as you put it to turn from that path towards the light rather than take their lives out of hand. If they prove unwilling to mend their ways, then we must regretfully take what steps are necessary to preserve innocent life from suffering at their hands...but should those of us capable not make effort to enlighten then before resorting to destruction as first measure?"
Venture-Captain Solail
Former Master of the Lantern Lodge
Monk 19
I am also well aware of the status of Geb. Thank you for the point in the event I was not, however.

Eric Saxon wrote: IC: The Hierophant of Pharamsma, turns a cold glare at you: "You want to drink of the blood of the slain so that you may absorb their knowledge and thus interfere with their soul, leech. I will see you roast, defiler. I will do the last rights myself, so that you may not be brought back to life and go directly to judgement before my Mistress. And I assure you, there is no mercy from my goddess for your ilk." The planetouched monk's frown deepens as the conversation continues to unfold.
"While I find the practices that are being proposed spiritually and morally concerning, I am equally disappointed and concerned by your aggressive posturing and unkind threats Mr. Ericson. The destruction of evil pales in comparison to enlightening wayward souls upon how to live their lives with greater balance and principal. Consider these words, and know my hope that your heart fills with compassion in place of your bloodthirst."
Venture-Captain Solail
Former Master of the Lantern Lodge
Monk 19

Alexis, Aspis Agent wrote:
Aw, so altruistic of you... If by "spiritual awakening" you are referring to giant piles of gold, then yes, sure thing sweets.
Honestly, most of my ill will against the Aspis was due to them sending us out on pretty much suicide missions, with no chance of survival! Or go defend some stupid gate in the middle of nowhere. And all for what? To get routed or killed by Pathfinders, demons, centaurs, or worse? PFFT. No thank you.
Besides, it has been quite fun to come to the Society and show off some of my skills. My way with the whip is unmatched, and I bring all the Agency Secrets I can with me! There are one or two things the Aspis do well. But the decemvirate has treated me well, so I'm happy to stick around.
Alexis, ex-aspis
bard 1/rogue 4/aspis agent 1
Difficult circumstance accompanies those who seek. Though at times the methods and measure of the Aspis and Society may seem similiar, at their heart, great difference reveals itself.
Continue upon your path with eyes open. If you are receptive to truth and higher purpose than the call of coin, enlightenment shall find you. I pray this is so, for only when one knows calling of purpose can they truly ascend.
Venture-Captain Solail
Former Master of the Lantern Lodge
Monk 19

Thomas Graham wrote: Posting as Kyrie Ebonblade, Aspsis Hunter
Just keep it that way sweetie. 'Ol Painless', 'Discretion' and 'The Countess', (Pauses to pat the guns as she names them), likes shooting Aspis agents. Want to see my collection of Consortium badges? They are all nice looking, except for the blood and bullet holes. They look really nice strung over my kapenia.
By the By.. there are two particular agents I would like to know the location. They are responsible for the theft of a magical bell from Taldor. I would dearly love to 'discuss' this theft with them, most likely from a distance with 'Ol Painless'. She would love to remake their acquaintance for one last time.
(Well we know who got the GenCon Boon :D)
It brings me great sorrow to see the blood thirst that grows more and more prevalent within my brothers and sisters in the Society in recent months. It is truth that some enemies cannot be brought to see the wisdom of benevolence, that some beings exist only to reap a harvest of sorrow and pain. Yet I believe there to be hope of showing many others a better way of life, opportunity to open their eyes spiritually and halt the corruption they impart upon their own souls. Alexis is such a one who has had the veil lifted from her eyes and benefited from spiritual awakening. Does it not then behoove us to seek to instill such an awakening in the other wayward members of her former organization in preference to ending their existence?
Take care, young Kyrie, that collection of such ill-will trophies does not dull compassion within your own heart.
Venture-Captain Solail
Former Master of the Lantern Lodge
Monk 19
Lei Xiao wrote: (OOC) I keep hearing you all talk about Master at 40 fame points. What benefits are there for that? When you reach 40 fame, you may spend 10 prestige for the title of Master. This also bestows a permanent +2 initiative bonus.

Dire portents indicate impending catastrophe for the country of Varisia, for Runelord Karzoug has risen from his 10,000 year slumber. Were this not dire enough circumstance, the Cult of Lissala stands poised to awaken another. At the crux of these events stands a band of brothers in arms, brought together through service to the Pathfinder Society. Aware that Runelord Karzoug has arisen, and suspecting that the Lissalan's near a second awakening, they have taken upon themselves the burden of returning balance to lands that will be shattered should the Runelords once again rise to power. Wielding weapons of power forged at The Runeforge, they shall soon set out for the lost city of Xin-Shalast to meet their destiny against Runelord Karzoug. In preparation for this momentous event, a letter was drafted and sent to their Venture-Captain peers and The Ten who elected them to serve in the event they do not return...
Masters Ten and fellow Venture-Captains,
Tonight I place quill to parchment and hire the fastest couriers in Varisia to bring you news of dire omen: Runelord Karzoug has awoken. I know not for how long he has been awake, but can affirm he has considerable and well-constructed preparations. Though we did not realize as much at the time, we have inadvertently been frustrating his plans in our general efforts to aid the people of Varisia in our recent adventures. A few evenings ago, we did discern the nature of the events of the region, for in his frustration he did speak to us through effigy of magic. We have since been to the ancient Runeforge of Thassilon, and erected weapons of power with which to combat him. In one hour's time, we set forth for the ancient city of Xin-Shalast to confront him. Should we fall in duty to The Society and world at large, use this missive as caution to his awakening.
If this were not dire enough, may this letter bear one additional caution. Since our mission in Palin's Cove when we cme to bear Lissala's Sihedron, our efforts to learn the movements and activities of her cult have been met with far less opposition. We believe they may be on the verge of, or have already, uncovered the location of another sleeping Runelord. I can only advise that you place the importance of uncovering this information as paramount atop our missions of urgency. May Irori and the Celestial Host watch over us in these dark times.
Yours in duty,
Venture-Captain Solail, brother of The Lantern Lodge

A thin, wiry man of unimpressive visage and little personal majesty sits in quiet contemplation upon the words his peers have spoken. He clearly bears some slight planar heritage, and wears a simple monk's attire and straw rice hat. One of the few noteworthy features of the man is the nearly two-dozen ioun stones which are implanted in his flesh along his neck, arms, and chest in patterns of arcane or religious significance. Those who take interest in Pathfinder politics might recognize him by that notable countenance as Venture-Captain Master Solail.
"Take heart, my friends. There is no shame in feeling displaced by what seems soon to transpire. It is the nature of history to change course, and we find ourselves upon the precipice of it's ever turning wheel.", he says serenely.
Turning to face Nunspa, Miyomi, and Reynard, he offers heartfelt words. "Though I am not a member of your Lodge, I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with Grandmaster Torch on two occasions. He dealt with myself and my peers openly and fairly, and for this he has my respect. I understand that you value his leadership and wish to continue working with him. As Reynard has said, you need not be party to a specific affiliation to pay honor to his legacy and strive to uphold his values. Remember that his ideals and those of your Lodge shall endure through your actions."
He pauses briefly before going on. "I too struggle with where to place myself in the pending absence of the Lantern Lodge. Though I carry Tian Xia with me wherever I travel, there was a comfort in sharing ideology and etiquette with those who also cared to see our home prosper and gain enlightenment."
"I find the ideology and goals of Sczarni antithetical too my own, and would know no solace in the lacking prospect of finding noble or self-perfecting purpose in their number. Likewise, the penchant for devil worship and slavery that is prevalent within Cheliax is not ideology I can support, and actively oppose."
"I would hear the words of those who support Andoran, Osirion, Qadira, The Silver Crusade, and Taldor if they would speak them, however. If there are any who would speak further of the goals and aspirations of these five, I will listen. If my presence shall bear no greater good within these Lodges, then I shall place myself at the disposal of the society in general by serving in the Grand Lodge."
Daremo Kic wrote: Oohh, thank you, Venture-Captain! I'm proud to find that you've helped me get a bit more enlightened. The voice of one is but lecture, brother - not discussion. I would be humbled to hear your own discernment, and those of our peers, as they relate to the tidings we have sown for ourselves this year. Much has transpired and progressed, and some impending portents point to the absence of peace in the months to come.
Venture-Captain Solail,
Master of the Lantern Lodge
Aasimar (Plume-Kith) Qinggong Monk 16
Daremo Kic wrote: ...Uh, Venture-Captain Soleil, are you reading your letter aloud to everyone? You could always just speak, or stick a missive of yours on a cork board at the Lodge like others do. Simply sharing my perceptions aloud with my peers of the lodge, brother. Discussion is key to our prosperity, and examining the discernment of others can be of aid in attaining enlightenment.
Think of the below as a simple forum signature, not a in-character badge or recitation of deeds.
Venture-Captain Solail,
Master of the Lantern Lodge
Aasimar (Plume-Kith) Qinggong Monk 16

The man who walks into the gathering place seems wholly unimpressive - slight of build, humble in demeanor, and without great personal majesty. He clearly bears some slight planar heritage, and wears a simple monk's attire and straw hat. The only noteworthy feature of the man is the nearly two-dozen ioun stones which are implanted along his arms and chest in patterns of arcane or religious significance. Those who are keen in Lantern Lodge or Tian Xia politics might then recognize his unique bearing as Venture-Captain Master Solail, and a winner of the Ruby Phoenix Tournament. After carefully reading Amara Li's missive, he sits and listens to his fellows speak.
I too am pleased that the enlightenment of Tian Xia is finding root within this land and the soul of it's peoples. I am saddened, however, that many of our Tien brothers and sisters prefer to demonstrate our knowledge of power over our experience in wisdom. Guidance is what is needed at this time, for many of this land appear to have lost their way, and flounder in purpose.
Care must be taken in the matter of this Runelord, Master Poe. I have studied their history carefully, and they are discerning arcanists without equal. My companions and I have encountered their servants several times now, and they are wholly dedicated to their task. To instill such devotion requires a leader of great clarity of vision. If one were to rise from the slumber, such an event would prove disastrous for the freedom and lives of those who live here. We must strive to prevent this from occurring, but do so in a manner befitting our people's wisdom.
Venture-Captain Solail,
Master of the Lantern Lodge
Aasimar (Plume-Kith) Qinggong Monk 16