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RPG Superstar 8 Season Dedicated Voter. 20 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Dedicated Voter Season 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In practical application, or rather, in game, most organizations are plot devices, so I find that criticism to be along the lines of "It's not like everything else so we don't like it."

Personally, as a long time gamer who enjoys both strategic campaigns full of political intrigue and hack-n-slash, I think this group offers a huge amount. First and foremost, the PCs could be unknowing dupes helping out of a desire to do good, finding out the truth and coming to terms with it, or they could know and try to fight against it- now imagine trying to do that, a group of hardened adventurers attacking a beautiful young singer and her choir claiming they're demons. How is general populace going to react? Torch-wielding peasant mob. Now the PCs are on the run and hunted. The possibilities of this kind of organization are endless, and I applaud the creator for coming up with something unique.

Another clever aspect is that the idea, while sturdy and able to stand on its own, leaves enough open that any DM worth their dice can expand upon it. Is it just the lust the choir inspires that they're after? What about that universal motivator- cash from donations? Perhaps the primary goal is corrupting Clerics & Paladins? Monsters on Maple Street, anyone?

Overall I'm a huge fan of the seemingly good organizations being well and truly evil and using the purity facade to dupe the masses. I think its a universal theme that everyone can relate to.

So, this needs to be voted onward and upward!