Master Han Del of the Web's page

1,104 posts. Alias of Han Del of the Web.

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I'm a sucker for power armor in sci-fi settings. Has there been any word on if, when, or how Paizo intends to bring back power armor that I just have yet to see?

I've heard secondhand that Paizo is not releasing any more pawn sets but my google-fu is failing to easily turn up more information on this. Can anyone provide a little more insight/point me in the right direction to find out more?

Specifically, I'd like to know if they are discontinuing their current pawn sets.

The affordability and quality of the pawns were a not inconsiderable draw for me and seeing this product line getting phased out is certainly going to dampen some of my enthusiasm, especially for the APs.

I tried asking in an older thread but so far haven't gotten a response but does anyone know if there are any plans to release a themed dice set for this AP?

I really enjoyed being able to buy the Dead Suns themed set for my players to use in the last session of that AP and would like to be able to do the same with this one, especially because three of my players have never been in any kind of long-running TTRPG campaign.

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Hey, my google-fu might just be failing me here so forgive me if this question has already been exhaustively gone over elsewhere, but does power armor benefit from movement speed buffs or is your speed always effectively capped at what the power armor gives you?

I was looking at building a power armor solarian with the electrical attunement alternate class feature. The energy mode says 'While energy-attuned, your speeds all increase by 5 feet'. Does this apply to movement speeds given by power armor?

So, I'm running a game where the party is a bunch of interstellar castaways stranded on medieval Golarion. I've been modifying rules on the fly to reflect them scrounging and producing resources but the most recent sticking point in my game is the question of power generation. Starfinder does not have a lot of rules when it comes to methods of power generation other than stating that you can often recharge batteries in most civilized settings. I looked at the options from the Pathfinder Technology guide but those were frustratingly vague in a few areas.

Currently, they are looking at putting solar panels up on the roof of their headquarters to help address their power consumption needs but I could easily see them needing more power as their gear and projects get grander. As such, I need a range of potential options.

Things to consider would be the item level, power output, credit/UBP cost, size of installation, and unique benefits or drawbacks. Wind and tidal are not great option for practical reasons but here's a few types of generator I was considering:

-Perks: Cheap, clean, low-maintenance
-Needs access to the sky (but not strictly sunny days, that's a common misconception. Cloud cover does cause a slight dip in efficiency but not complete shut-down)
-Relatively low out-put

-Probably can't do full geothermal power on a planet with so many cave systems, but heating and cooling is an option. More a support system than anything.

-Probably relatively low power
-Cannot construct a dam system so alternatives would be needed.

-Fancy future tech? I don't really know enough about potential power-sources to really speculate.
-High-yield but expensive.

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So I've been working on a bit of an experiment that I think the folks here would be interested in. On another site, I'm running Curse of the Crimson Throne: Anniversary Edition as a PBP Starfinder game. Story-wise, the party is a group of castaways from a possible future non-magical Earth that had their colony ship pulled into good ol'Golarion's orbit and destroyed by various supernatural/technological shenanigans.

I'll likely be figuring out tweaks to make to the old Pathfinder encounters to make them closer to CR for the Starfinder PCs as I go. This thread is mostly for anyone that wants to follow my observations and maybe as a space to workshop and discuss a few ideas here and there. Of course, given the speed at which PBP moves, there might be considerable time before updates here. The party has just gotten to the end of a dramatic prologue I had planned for them and are about to start the first book.

For reference, the party consists of...
-An Uplifted Bear Solarian
-A Human Soldier
-A Human Technomancer
-A Lashunta Envoy (reflavored as an AI in a biological chassis)
-An Android Mechanic
-A Skittermander Mystic (reflavored as a genetically modified pet that had been hiding their sentience)

Mechanical tweaks to be tested:
-Starfinder weapons target Pathfinder touch AC if the target is not wearing magical armor.
-Wealth from encounters to be adjusted according to a factor derived from the two games' wealth by level charts
-Pathfinder enemies with iterative attacks will instead multiply their weapon damage die by the number of attacks they could make with that weapon as long as the weapon is magical. They will otherwise follow the Starfinder rules for full attacks.
-Pathfinder weapons will have the 'Arachic' tag unless magical.

It goes without saying that there may be inadvertent spoilers for Curse of the Crimson Throne in this thread.


So, I'm running Dead Suns for a group of friends and want to claim it for GMing credit.

HOWEVER, only one of the players is in SFS. Is this okay?


So, new Starfinder here. I joined up a couple of days ago and wanted to know if there were some general tips those more experienced with organized play and Starfinder in general would be willing to share.

Question 1: Damage Variety
The two scenarios I played both featured an enemy that could reflect energy attacks. Should I be taking pains to carry multiple damage types?

Question 2: Gear Utility
What are some useful basic bits of equipment no Starfinder should leave home without?

Question 3: Weapon Variety
Is carrying and maintaining multiple weapons a zero-sum game?