Clearly this alias is long overdue.
Still hollering from behind his closed house door, apparently under the guise that he is actually still "resting," Master Figueroa calls out. You're lucky, I had a chap go through this way just over a year ago wearing that kind of armor, and being a man that loves the craft, and loves a challenge, I took it upon myself to make some. It's my first attempt mind you, so it's not my best work, but it'll do in a pinch. Then, suddenly the door opens, and a hale looking Figueroa comes out dressed and ready. Before Kairon can say anything he says, don't worry I'll go right back to bed. I just want to see what our warrior friend thinks of my armor. He then goes to the eastern part of the shop and forge and opens a large locking metal armoire. Inside is a beautiful suit of mountain pattern armor, colored in earthy rusty reds, stone-like greys, and accented in steel that shines like silver. Well, what do you think Goruck?