Gamar Deshta

Master Figueroa's page

3 posts. Alias of Hoary and Wizened.


Master Figueroa harumphs at his pupil's chiding, but acquiesces nonetheless. Fine, fine, fine. This conspiracy to keep me inactive is getting tiresome. He says, but smiles and winks at his favorite "son." You take care of it, and I'll not hear about you making any payment on this armor Goruck! Do you hear me? I'll take no coppers for it. You take it and you come back and let me know how it's served you, that is all the payment I want.

Part with it?! I can't rightly charge you for it Goruck. You're heroics in saving the town that is my business and saving my life too, cannot even begin to be paid back in arms and armaments. Not to mention it is my first attempt at such armor. That armor is an experiment, and I would never charge for such a thing, not even if you hadn't saved the town. Here now, let's get off that old stuff, and get this on you and see what we're looking at. Master Figueroa says, and then begins helping Goruck out of his scale armor so he can buckle on the Mountain Pattern armor. Dolok! Help us out over here, m'boy.

Clearly this alias is long overdue.

Still hollering from behind his closed house door, apparently under the guise that he is actually still "resting," Master Figueroa calls out. You're lucky, I had a chap go through this way just over a year ago wearing that kind of armor, and being a man that loves the craft, and loves a challenge, I took it upon myself to make some. It's my first attempt mind you, so it's not my best work, but it'll do in a pinch. Then, suddenly the door opens, and a hale looking Figueroa comes out dressed and ready. Before Kairon can say anything he says, don't worry I'll go right back to bed. I just want to see what our warrior friend thinks of my armor. He then goes to the eastern part of the shop and forge and opens a large locking metal armoire. Inside is a beautiful suit of mountain pattern armor, colored in earthy rusty reds, stone-like greys, and accented in steel that shines like silver. Well, what do you think Goruck?