![]() About Mary Adamson AndersonAn accomplished and worldly woman longs to return to her birth country to resolve mysterious questions that she has carried with her all her life. She brings with her a dark passenger in her mind that has haunted her since her early childhood. Background:
Mary Anderson was born and raised in Banffshire; her father was the reverend at the local church. In her youth, she was something of a wild child, ever-curious and often prone to long treks through the wuthering hills and moors. On one of these adventures, she stumbled upon a wooded clearing ringed in moss and poisonous mushrooms, and she heedlessly tumbled inside. She found herself inside a rustic hunting lodge, with fierce stuffed animals and sharp blades on every wall's surface. How long she remained there she could not say-- hours, at least, perhaps days or weeks-- but she found the experience fascinating. It awakened within her a love of study and learning, and a desire to master her understanding of the mysteries of the mind and body.
Strangely, when she returned, no one seemed to have missed her. In fact, her family and acquaintances in the village believed that she had been there all along. As well she felt a visceral compulsion to return to the cabin in the woods as soon as she could, though she had only fuzzy memories of what she had experienced while she was there. It was not difficult for her to find the clearing again, and soon she was visiting every afternoon. To her marvelous delight, the objects in the lodge would change every visit, as if in response to her growing knowledge. Animals in various stages of death or illness appeared for her to examine and treat, and even other human beings-- though she could not recall them ever speaking to her. After the summer before her fourteenth birthday, her parents insisted that she could no longer leave the house on her little expeditions, for there was concern and fear in the village that someone or something was stalking the land and committing terrible atrocities-- what they were, Mary never knew, but she gathered they had something to do with butchering livestock, and several remote townsfolk had gone missing. Try as she might, Mary could not escape the homestead and go to her school in the forest. As the weeks of high alert persisted, her compulsion to leave began to fade, and by the next summer she had fully overcome it. She did sometimes dream of the cabin, and oftentimes she fancied that she could hear the voice of the owner: a rich, deep voice that somehow sounded like herself, but much older. She was often called upon by the members of her community to help with midwifery and injuries to both humans and animals, and when she performed acts of medicine she imagined that the voice was speaking over her shoulder, advising her. Under the gaze of this spiritual visitor, she began to show signs of becoming a gifted apothecary, surgeon, and doctor. Over the subsequent years, word spread throughout Aberdeenshire that Mary Anderson was a miracle-worker. When an advertisement appeared in The Scotsman seeking women to apply to study medicine at the University of Edinburgh, Mary was hesitant. However, her family and friends-- and the voice in her head-- encouraged her to go, and she joined the Edinburgh Seven (the Septem contra Edinam, as they were known to their fellow scholars). She finished the program but was not awarded a degree, and so at the urging of her Edinburgh sisters she traveled to Paris where she received her doctorate and license to practice medicine. Afterward she returned to London where she joined the staff of the New Hospital for Women, and took as patients many wealthy English ladies, though she respected their privacy and would never boast about who they were. In the intervening years, Mary has often wondered about the unusual experiences of her youth, and has briefly explored the psychological sciences to try and determine if she suffers from some kind of mental disability or long-buried trauma. She does not think so, and that voice in her head that sounds like an older version of herself (or rather, like she sounds now, considering that she is almost 50 years old) laughs at her foolishness. She has rarely had the time since she was a girl to sit and muse about that place in the woods, but part of her feels like she could easily recall the feeling of being there, and leaving her harried life for a time to indulge in a vacation far from the demands of her people in need of care. One day, she tells herself, she might again visit the village where she grew up and see her family-- and possibly again travel into the woods to seek out a small clearing and a cabin, so that she can finally determine what exactly happened to her all those years ago, and put to rest her fears that it was something supernatural. While working in London, she made the acquaintance of Bonnie Ainsworth, based on a recommendation from some of her other clients. Bonnie was looking for a doctor to see to some of the women who lived on her husband's estate, and Mary impressed Bonnie with her knowledge of conventional medicine-- though it seemed to Mary that Bonnie had her own significant knowledge of the healing arts-- and she has since attended and advised the Ainsworths on a variety of medical questions about their Waldenshire tenants. Being present in the village she recently received an invitation to attend their grand gala, and of course she will go, if only to ensure that no one suffers any injuries or illnesses during the festivities. Description:
Mary is a middle-aged woman with dark auburn hair pulled back in a bun and a remarkably clear complexion, hardly any wrinkles or lines on her face. She wears practical clothing, and even at a magnificent party she still wears almost rustic, plain garments. Her eyes are piercing and inquisitive, and she always carries a small bag slung over her shoulder with medical supplies in case of emergencies. Her voice is quiet and measured, and usually has a bit of an edge to it. She speaks with authority, not with sweetness.
Most of the time, Mary is mild and considerate. She cares about helping others to the best of her ability, and takes her Hippocratic oath very seriously. She is insatiably curious, however, and is constantly studying her environs and learning from her circumstances. On rare occasions she does like to show off, an artifact from her days at university, where no one believed a woman could ever outshine a man. She delighted in proving the masters wrong when she could. When under the influence of her dark passenger, Mary becomes capricious, wild, and almost bloodthirsty. It is as if another person takes over her body, one who is filled with resentment and a desire to throw aside society's norms and wreak havoc on those who have earned her scorn. At these times, Mary feels as if she is a smaller version of herself watching through her own eyes as someone else does gruesome things that she would never do. As much as she would like to remain ignorant, she cannot completely hide from these brutal acts. Name: Mary Adamson Anderson
Custom Race:
Defense Traits
• Dual-Minded (1 RP) • Greater Spell Resistance (3 RP) • Plagueborn (1 RP) • Stubborn (2 RP) Feat and Skill Traits
13 RP total
Size Medium Str 10 (+0)
HP 84 (63[7d8]+14[CON]+7[FCB]) AC 21 (10+4[DEX]+5[armor (Unarmored Training)]+1[deflection]+1[enhancement])
Resistance negative 5
Initiative +10* (+4[DEX]+4[Improved Initiative]+2[trait], *uncanny dodge) Speed 30' Fortitude +8*** (+5[base]+2[CON]+1[resistance], -2[*vs disease, illusions, poison; fey spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities (Fey-Taken)], +2[*vs disease, ingested poisons, becoming sickened or nauseated (Plagueborn)], +2[*vs disease and poison (hygiene)])
BAB +5
Dreamwalker Human Cold Iron Weakness, Comprehensive Education, Defensive Abilities, Dreameating, Dreamshifting, Dual-Minded, Essence of the Othersoul, Faerie Regalia, Feyblooded, Focused Study, Low-Light Vision, Plagueborn, Quick Reactions, Stubborn, Twilight Tongue, Unarmored Training, Walking the Twisted Way, Wyld Shape (serpent) Favored Class Bonuses +7 hp (alchemist) Traits Bruising Intellect, Fey-Taken (Drawback), Poisonous Slayer (+1 attack with poisoned weapons), Reactionary, Skeptical (+1 Sense Motive, +1 Will vs illusions/enchantments) Feats Combat Expertise* (EitR), Deadly Aim* (EitR), Extra Combat Talent* (Unarmored Training) (race), Genius Vigilante* (vigilante 1), Improved Initiative* (race), Power Attack* (EitR), Skill Focus* (Heal) (race), Weapon Finesse* (EitR); Healer's Hands (level 4); Incredible Healer (level 5); Blood Potion* (alchemist 6), Extra Blended Training Talent* (social identity, level 6), Extra Combat Talent (level 6), Spell Attack* (vigilante identity, level 6); Designer Drugs (level 7) Skills Acrobatics +14 (7[ranks]+4[DEX]+3[class]), Climb +5 (2[free ranks from Investigation/Sense Motive]+0[STR]+3[class]), Craft (alchemy) +17* (7[ranks]+7[INT]+3[class], +7[*competence (alchemical items)]), Escape Artist +14 (7[ranks]+4[DEX]+3[class]), Handle Animal +4 (1[ranks]+0[CHA]+3[class]), Heal +23** (7[free ranks from Alchemy]+7[INT]+4[class]+2[race]+3[Skill Focus], [*skill leverage], +4[*Social Grace]), Intimidate +17 (6[ranks]+7[INT]+3[class]), Knowledge (arcana) +17 (7[ranks]+7[INT]+3[class]), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +17 (7[ranks]+7[INT]+3[class]), Knowledge (engineering) +11 (1[ranks]+7[INT]+3[class]), Knowledge (geography) +12 (1[ranks]+7[INT]+3[class]+1[Comprehensive Education]), Knowledge (history) +11 (1[ranks]+7[INT]+3[class]), Knowledge (local) +18 (7[ranks]+7[INT]+3[class]+1[Comprehensive Education]), Knowledge (nature) +18 (7[ranks]+7[INT]+3[class]+1[Comprehensive Education]), Knowledge (nobility) +12 (1[ranks]+7[INT]+3[class]+1[Comprehensive Education]), Knowledge (planes) +17 (7[ranks]+7[INT]+3[class]), Knowledge (religion) +18 (7[ranks]+7[INT]+3[class]+1[Comprehensive Education]), Perception +13* (7[ranks]+3[WIS]+3[class], [*skill leverage]), Profession* (herbalism) +6* (5[free ranks from Herbalism]+2[ranks]+3[WIS]+3[class], [*skill leverage]), Sense Motive +14** (7[free ranks from Fencing]+3[WIS]+4[class], [*skill leverage], +4[*Social Grace]), Sleight of Hand +12 (5[free ranks from Scoundrel]+4[DEX]+3[class]), Stealth +15 (7[free ranks from Scout]+4[DEX]+4[class]), Survival +14 (7[ranks]+3[WIS]+4[class]), Swim +6 (3[free ranks from Investigation/Sense Motive]+0[STR]+3[class]) Languages Arabic, English, French, Gaelic, German, Greek, Latin Alchemist (Physician) 7 combat training (Adept, INT: x5 combat talents), emergency supplies, martial tradition (Gestalt: x2 [discipline] talents), trained medic (x2 Alchemy talents); discoveries (x3), hygiene +2, trained surgeon; swift alchemy; quick healing Vigilante (Hidden Master) 7 blended training (even levels: x3 blended talents), casting (Mid-Caster, INT), casting tradition (Alchemist/Psychic, INT; x2 magic talents), double life, dual identity, hidden strike 4d8/4d4, martial tradition (Field Medic/Pursuer), seamless guise, social talents (x4 talents), spell pool, vigilante specialization (stalker); vigilante talents (x2); unshakeable; startling appearance Combat Talents (Social Identity):
Practitioner Ability Modifier: Intelligence
Martial Tradition: Field Medic (modified) Alchemy [formulae, poison] sphere (from martial tradition/Master Chemist), Formulae, Poison
Equipment sphere
Fencing sphere (from level 4 combat talent), Fatal Thrust
Scoundrel sphere (from level 6 Extra Combat Talent feat)
Scout sphere (from martial tradition), Scout
Combat Talents (Vigilante Identity):
Practitioner Ability Modifier: Intelligence
Martial Tradition: Pursuer Alchemy [poison] sphere (from Master Chemist), Poison
Duelist sphere (from martial tradition), Blooded Strike
Equipment sphere
Fencing sphere (from level 4 combat talent), Fatal Thrust
Scoundrel sphere (from level 6 Extra Combat Talent feat)
Scout sphere (from martial tradition), Scout
• Blood Potion (level 6): The alchemist gains Blood Potion as a bonus feat even if he does not possess the Blood sphere. The alchemist may use his Intelligence score as his casting ability modifier for this feat, if he does not possess a sphere-based archetype already.
• Hedgewitch Secret [Combat Talent] (level 4): The alchemist may gain a hedgewitch secret, having an effective hedgewitch level equal to his alchemist level. The alchemist cannot gain a secret associated with a Path he does not have access to. The alchemist must have spherecasting capability in order to select this discovery. He may select this alchemist discovery multiple times, each time selecting another hedgewitch secret. • Mutagen (level 2) (Su) (Ultimate Magic pg. 16): This discovery gives the alchemist the mutagen class ability. (This discovery exists so alchemist archetypes who have variant mutagens, such as the mindchemist, can learn how to make standard mutagens.) Magic Talents (Social Identity):
Magic Type: Arcane
Casting Ability Modifier: INT Drawbacks: Extended Casting x2, Material Casting Boon: +1 spell point per level gained in casting classes Caster Level: +5 Spell Pool: 21 Mind sphere (from bonus magic talent)
Magic Talents (Vigilante Identity):
Magic Type: Psychic
Casting Ability Modifier: INT Drawbacks: Emotional Casting, Rigorous Concentration Boon: +1 spell point, +1 per three levels in casting classes Caster Level: +5 Spell Pool: 17 Blood sphere (from bonus magic talent), Blood Control (Bleed [quicken])
Skill Talents and Trade Tradition:
Trade Tradition: Physician
Trade Rank: Adroit Trade Talents: Doctor, Rescuer, Scout, Servant Multiclass Trade Talent: Dilettante (Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival) Class Skills: Acrobatics, Artistry, Climb, Craft, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Heal*, Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (nobility), Knowledge (religion), Lore, Perception, Perform, Profession, Sense Motive*, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Stealth*, Survival*, Swim Operative Ability Modifier: Int Herbalism sphere* (from trade tradition), Herbal Lore (cool herbs, sweet herbs)
Investigation sphere* (from trade tradition), Analyze (Educated Hunch), Scrutinize [approach]
Vocation sphere* (from trade tradition)
Social Talents:
• Genius Vigilante (Legendary Villains - Vigilantes, page 24): You use your Intelligence instead of your Charisma for any vigilante ability you gain, such as the save DCs of your vigilante talents or the bonus spells, spell save DCs, and spell effects of spellcasting or alchemy and other abilities gained from vigilante archetypes. This feat must be selected at 1st level, or before your 1st level of vigilante. A vigilante can choose to gain this feat in place of their 1st level social talent. (level 1)
• Quick Change (Ex): The vigilante learns to shift between his identities with ease. Instead of needing 1 minute to change his identity, he can now do so as a full-round action. If, after a quick change, he encounters any creature familiar with both of his identities, he must attempt a Disguise check to avoid the creature seeing through his hastily donned disguise and realizing that the identities are, in fact, the same person. The vigilante can spend 1 additional round adjusting and perfecting his appearance and persona to negate the need for this check. A vigilante must be at least 7th level to select this talent. (level 7) • Social Grace (Ex) [Heal, Sense Motive] (Ultimate Intrigue pg. 12): The vigilante selects any one Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill other than Perception or Use Magic Device. Whenever the vigilante is in his social identity, he receives a +4 circumstance bonus on checks with the selected skill. At 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter, he can select another skill (with the same restrictions) to gain this bonus. (level 3) • Transformation Sequence (Su) (Blood of the Beast pg. 15): The vigilante’s transformation between identities is assisted by magic. This makes it faster than usual, but also more noticeable. The vigilante can complete the switch between his identities in 5 rounds, improving to a standard action if he has the quick change social talent, and to a swift action if he has the immediate change social talent. However, the transformation causes quite a spectacle, involving loud sounds or music, brilliant colorful energies, and swift motions. A vigilante can select this talent only if he is able to cast spells or spell-like abilities (this needn’t be from his vigilante class). A vigilante with the magical child archetype effectively gets this social talent for free at 1st level. (level 5) Vigilante Talents:
• Expanded Combat Training (level 2)
• Expanded Champion Training (level 6: social [Extra Blended Training Talent*], vigilante [Spell Attack*]) Equipment (Curio) minor cloak of displacement (24,000 gp) Desired items:
poisons (Bloodroot, 100 gp; Dhabba spittle, 50 gp; Drow poison, 75 gp; Fiddleback venom, 500 gp; Flayleaf spider venom, 100 gp; Frightshade, 100 gp; Vampire's Kiss, 75 gp; 1,000 gp total) Othersoul details:
Mary's Othersoul is an ankou, one of the shadowy assassins employed by faerie nobles to slay their bitter enemies, and a grim reaper of fey folklore. It is from personality bleed with this creature that Mary can adopt the heart of a cold-blooded killer, comfortable in darkness and using fear as a potent weapon against her foes. As a result of their link, Mary has become a very intimidating figure, especially when dealing with patients (and her patients' husbands) who refuse to listen to reason or follow her instructions.
The particular ankou associated with Mary has begun to grow strangely unhappy with his profession over the years, and lately when he has gone to claim souls he has found himself stalling by visiting taverns and drinking, or by playing games of chance, as if he were for some reason reluctant to commit the act of murder. Recently, he inexplicably found himself offering his victim a contest involving a poisoned chalice and a game of gammon dice, and when he lost he felt he had to depart without discharging his commission. |